Two games on the go?

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Deleted User
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13:04 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is this possible?
Vets or Moderators might answer this one please. I assume the abandoned games stats are in place for a reason? I was in a game this PM (UK time), when I asked my opo why he was timing out, he stated he was in a tournament and then proceeded to take max time on a fair number of simple shots. I asked if a cranking up of pace was possible but it didn't happen; then I asked if it was worth him considering abandoning the game to let me play with someone who might be more interested, the response was 'play on' so I did. He then timed out about three times, played a shot or two but had loads left on the table. I only had a couple of balls left when he stated he was back to play properly, only to abandon the game a few seconds later when I potted my remainders and left myself a shot on the black - is this normal on here? I understand why people would take tournaments seriously, but is it OK to leave 'friendly' players hanging on?
Posts: 25
13:06 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
maybe he was on snooker?? on a snooks tourny. or perhaps he had 2 browsers open. then it'd let u log in twice. but mod's wuda picked up on it quickly + booted him, so it's most likely a snooker tourny :S lol
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Two games on the go?

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