can someone explain this

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:16 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
i have been on funkysnooker for a while and while playin snooker with the 2 internet windows i have also had a music program (imesh) running. HOWEVER i have not endured much lagg only once everytime i go on due to some random adverts i think...

If i was to come on funkypool and do the same thing i get serious lagg. If i close imesh and jus play pool i get alot of lagg. Why isit different on the two sites, can someone explain?

I have noticed that on snooker if i right click on the adverts (9/10 times) a big options thing pops up and i can't do much (altho i dnt have to do anything as i get no lagg) whereas on pool a smaller options thing pops up and only on pool can i 'stop', 'forward', 'rewind' etc to try and stop the laggin so much.

Can someone please explain? (nick, spinner?) thanks
Posts: 25
12:32 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol m8 use firefox + download "REMOVED" it removes all ad's even flash becomes right clickable. i used to get bad lag but havn't had a single bit for a week - since using REMOVED
no idea why pool lags more tho, i snooker and it lags like mad - almost to an unplayable level. yet if i go on arcade snooker, it's fine.. weird. anyways, there r way's round lag. + ppl will tell u it's not the ad's that are lagging u..when we all know it blatently is =D! so yer, get firefox if u wana play a lag-free game :) once donwloaded click tools - extensions - get more extensions...there u will see REMOVED.

Edited by forum moderator pool_life, at 19:33 Mon 8/01/07 (GMT)
Posts: 3,764
13:26 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
If this was a major problem we would expect the forum to be full of similar threads, or at least a fair percentage of people using contact us to complain how they can't play the game due to lag. This isn't the case, and instead all i see are the same few people creating repeat threads complaining how 'they' are getting lag 'again' Hmmm?

Here's a link to the thread relating to adverts, created by you tread if i'm not mistaken.

I can't see the point in yet another lag thread when there's a sticky one already in place.


Edited at 19:28 Mon 8/01/07 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:27 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
And no advertising ad-blockers!
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can someone explain this

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