9 ball ........

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Deleted User
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18:13 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Real 9 ball is easy to pot and all about possition....
UK 8 ball is hard to pot and about possition....

Just like on here it would be more... true 2 life fun to have it that way?

Posts: 8,940
07:48 Sat 6 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I know what you're saying, and there was a thread recently wherea Pro version of UK 8 ball was mentioned, and way down the line if we get a few thousand more users it may happen, who knows!

The thing about the UK game (if you are a newbie) is that it it unlikely to change since it has been the core game way back since poolsharks (the forerunner of this site) and is still the most popular game.

Its not meant to be a 100% true simulation, but a funky online version of the game..

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9 ball ........

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