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Query About Newbie Account's

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Posts: 25
08:55 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just wondering what the best newbie account is?? And i don't mean just win's like 90 wins + 10 losses.. i had 74% wins, 5 golden breaks, 1 7 ball + 1 run out + got to tourny final but lost 2-3 =( lol. was just wondering what other people's were!
and what's the most golden breaks had in a single day? I've made 3 today and only been on half hour. wb
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09:33 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
This is a thing i think should be modified, when people reset their stats...they become newbie again, i feel this is false advertising to the legit newbies starting out.

As for the question above...i have no idea.
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10:57 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I kind of agree with you mcquiston it is unfair.. In fact at first that seems like the ideal answer. But if people weren't given the newbie status when they reset think about it...

magicblack 679.26

Without looking at my full stats (which you really don't do before starting a game) I just look like an intermediate player. In other words the 'newbie' status on someone whos oabove 675 gives us a hint that they are not in fact newbies..
catch 22 as it is!
Posts: 4,347
11:31 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
I've no idea on crap's question either.
There's been so many 'race to 100' players with great stats who've then deleted or reset that it'd hard to ever find out.

I wonder if we could have a new category for reset accounts. Just to distinguish it from other newbies it could just be called 'reset'.

magicblack 679.26 (reset)

EDIT: ref the most GB's in a day question - I remember watching the stats of a player who was (and still is to an extent) 'famous' for GB's, shoot up by around 50 in a week.

Edited at 17:37 Thu 4/01/07 (GMT)
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12:09 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
This thread is immoral if you ask me ;p
Posts: 3,731
12:14 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Magic, is 679.26 your true rank?
Posts: 8,940
12:16 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well the simple fact is that if the player is not a real newbie, but someone who has played before, then the stats mean absolutely nothing, and never will untill they've played 1000 or so games so you can judge thier real ability.

Again, the need for geting rid of the delete optioncombined with overall stats (which cant be reset) is raised.

GB's - although the blue shirt wearing person you mention was well known Martin , i remember very well the days after fccmike found the bug. his rise was most notable before he told anyone!
Posts: 4,347
15:06 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
stevo15 said:
Magic, is 679.26 your true rank?

That is the rank we allow him to keep, at the request of his carers.
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17:07 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:

GB's - although the blue shirt wearing person you mention was well known Martin , i remember very well the days after fccmike found the bug. his rise was most notable before he told anyone!

Woah i am still talked about after many months of inactivity, so you would class that shot as a bug then?

And i must say i do regret making a video showing how it is done, after that it became less special by the day and eventually pointless.
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20:23 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yep...tut tut Mike.

But off subject of GB's...Magicblack, i see what your saying, they would become a false intermediate, but i still reckon it's better than being a false newbie.

Give the new kids a chance
Posts: 8,940
21:21 Sun 7 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
ffcmike said:
spinner said:

GB's - although the blue shirt wearing person you mention was well known Martin , i remember very well the days after fccmike found the bug. his rise was most notable before he told anyone!

Woah i am still talked about after many months of inactivity, so you would class that shot as a bug then?

And i must say i do regret making a video showing how it is done, after that it became less special by the day and eventually pointless.

Just for clarification, the shot yu found isn't a bug, the fact that it works everytime if you hit it exactly the same is.

Nice to see ya again dude! Where ya been!
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Query About Newbie Account's

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