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06:55 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
nick said:

This shows the problem occurs due to your Trend anti-virus software. You'll need to configure Trend not to scan applets or somehow list the funkypool applet as trusted. You should also ensure you have the latest Trend updates.

Thx, i see that in C:\Program files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client there's a file (OFCSCAN.INI), what can i do to overcome the problem ? There's something i can edit ? i see that there is a section about java applets..
Deleted User
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18:04 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
how do you upgrade to premieum
Posts: 8,940
20:03 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
skillzrfc said:
how do you upgrade to premieum

Wait (other things have taken priority)
Posts: 8,940
20:05 Thu 4 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
gaxleep said:
nick said:

This shows the problem occurs due to your Trend anti-virus software. You'll need to configure Trend not to scan applets or somehow list the funkypool applet as trusted. You should also ensure you have the latest Trend updates.

Thx, i see that in C:\Program files\Trend Micro\OfficeScan Client there's a file (OFCSCAN.INI), what can i do to overcome the problem ? There's something i can edit ? i see that there is a section about java applets..

Sorry for a delay..

Do you have admin rights on the account you are playing on? If not, then trend may not recognise the game applet as trusted and consider it a threat.
Deleted User
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02:31 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:

Sorry for a delay..

Do you have admin rights on the account you are playing on? If not, then trend may not recognise the game applet as trusted and consider it a threat.

No, I haven't these rights, I was hoping that some further update about Trend Micro antivirus should fix the problem, but after some week i guess it will not happen.
So I was wondering if there's something i should do in MY pc and not on the entire network..
Posts: 8,940
11:52 Fri 5 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
gaxleep said:
spinner said:

Sorry for a delay..

Do you have admin rights on the account you are playing on? If not, then trend may not recognise the game applet as trusted and consider it a threat.

No, I haven't these rights, I was hoping that some further update about Trend Micro antivirus should fix the problem, but after some week i guess it will not happen.
So I was wondering if there's something i should do in MY pc and not on the entire network..

Sounds like an over-enthusiatic admin!

Well, you could stop the trend service running, but depending on your setup that may not be possible (and you might get reprimanded!)

I assume you're playing from a workplace then?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:37 Mon 8 Jan 07 (GMT)  [Link]  
spinner said:

Sounds like an over-enthusiatic admin!

Well, you could stop the trend service running, but depending on your setup that may not be possible (and you might get reprimanded!)

I assume you're playing from a workplace then?

You've got it !
Trend service could be stopped if i know the password, i've tryed also to stop every task connected, but there's still something that stop the applet.

Don't worry, I will not be reprimanded
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