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why do people pm, when your still playing?

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Posts: 4,347
15:10 Fri 15 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
most people? Be honest Gordon, has anybody ever, ever,in all this time, ever agreed with you that the PM window appears BEHIND the game?
Posts: 8,940
18:36 Fri 15 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Gordon? Do you mean me?

LOL dunno where that came from, but anyways..

During my "OVER 800" experiment, i tried to remember to ask about this, and the general reply was the same, PM boxes are behind the game window and "people always say that as an excuse because they loose". To be honest i felt stupid asking about it!

However, I'm happy to accept that it happens to some (or there wouldn't be threads like these, obviously!) but as i have said before, playing on many systems over the years i have never seen this happen.

The most important thing though, is why would Nick have written the code so it obsructed the gameplay? its a simple switch in all languages i have used to open a window either behind or in front of the parent window, and i can't see Java being any different!

AFAIAC its just a bug affecting some people...
Deleted User
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02:41 Sat 16 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
sorry 2 put this on this page cud not find were 2 put it, but yesterday was having a game with player i wont mention,everytime he messed up he wrote a rymm, so just as i was going 2 take my shot it came up on bottom of screen, i no im only an average player on here but due 2 this putting me off he beat me, i no i should off left room and played someone else but his ignorance annoyed me so much i just wanted 2 beat him, BUT FOULED LOL.
y do these players do this, is it the only way they can win, i think they r so ignorant and unsporting
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:11 Sat 16 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
You have to press the ignore button kev! Unfortunatley there is, and always will be people on here who want to spoil the game for others. It's best to just ignore them finish the game and leave!! And you aint that average mister golden brake!
Posts: 963
13:23 Sun 17 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
ibeatubaby will be pleased to know that the player that was being referred to originally is now a banned user, *cough* (for the second time)
Posts: 207
17:58 Sun 17 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Thank you
Posts: 105
11:36 Tue 19 Sept 06 (BST)  [Link]  
pmsl.. surprise surprise
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why do people pm, when your still playing?

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