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people saying gg early

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Posts: 4,347
15:10 Mon 29 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
AH - hang on - do u open the pm window window prior to every game? In that case they'd remain on your tool bar as long as you dont close it - is that what u mean?
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15:14 Mon 29 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
GGS before hand ok GG WP and UL
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17:09 Mon 29 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
_brighteyes_ - Member
(31 posts) 15:54 Mon 29 May 06

that was kind of mean perfection, i know what ty is saying, and it does get kind of annoying because sometimes it does get to be a bother, its just nice if you use your manners and wait until the game is over kind of thing you need to get upset guys.

lol sorry but i was just stating facts , people usually say gg early cus they fink u gonna clear and usually they do say it when its easy to clear,

if ya miss its not there fault for saying gg , its ya own fault for missing. people dont mean to be annoying they just think damn they shudn't miss this clear so i mite aswell say gg
Posts: 8,940
22:21 Mon 29 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Excellent explaination prefection!

People should take it for what it is, a compliment.
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04:21 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
perfection your totally wrong. your basing your conclusion from your point of view, your a nice enough guy and wouldnt do anything like that. Lots of people do it innocently enough and those that do it innocently you can tell who they are.

However in this world everyone is not like you and spinner, unfortunately, hence some people do it when its NOT easy to clear. They do it just to put you off/annoy you. Yes its sad and shouldnt be done and personally it dont put me off but others it does. You really need to start seeing other peoples point of view, they might get nervous if people say gg early, cant you understand that?

For example i had one thoroughly nice chap say gg when i had 6 balls left and one was tied behind his. Can you explain that?
Posts: 4,751
07:13 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
If it's done when it's not a certain clearance then it's poor sportsmanship. You wouldn't do it in a pub, and if you did it would count as conceding the game. If players do it to you on here clear up if you can, then play someone else.

Someone else (louis?) put this well in an earlier thread which I can't seem to find. It was something like this:

Yes, it may put the opponent off, but you don't see Jimmy White running round the table flashing his man boobs to distract his opponent.
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07:52 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with _perfection_'s 1st post.

If someone is typing 'MISSSS!!! MISS OR I'LL KILL UR DOG! YOU *************!!!!!' then that would be unsportsmanlike and putting off.

Saying 'gg' or 'all urs' simply means that the person at the table should clear in that visit or you can not see any way in which you can win yourself. (They can't clear in 1 visit, but you won't be able to do anything to stop them winning as there are several trapped balls, you are snookered badly, etc.) Having all 8 balls to pot doesn't mean that you shouldn't be able to clear easily. I've said 'gg' straight after the other player's they did a run out.
Posts: 4,751
08:37 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree with you squeezy but I think the main cause of people's grief is saying gg when the clearance is not routine. People often say it to unsportingly "challenge" the incoming player.

The psychology of this is that the player should clear up, they have the game for the taking and can lose the game.

Squeezy, after saying gg to your opponent have they ever not won the game? And, if so, what did you think about that?

I play in a pool league and think that is takes very little to respect table etiquette without it being detrimental to the fun of the game. Yes, this is only an online pool game so it shouldn't matter, but also for the same reason, why be unsporting?

Edited at 14:20 Tue 30/05/06 (BST)
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10:12 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
like squeezy said ,

If someone is typing 'MISSSS!!! MISS OR I'LL KILL UR DOG! YOU *************!!!!!' then that would be unsportsmanlike and putting off.

that is someone blatently trying to wind you up and put you off , gg is 2 letters and people blame it on losing games , missing shots and more. what harm can 2 letters do being typed onto a screen before a black is potted?
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10:21 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't mind people saying 'gg' when it's an easy clear which i should clear from, but if it's a hard clear and they do it just to put you off then thats when it gets a bit annoying.

Great feeling when it's a hard clearence and you do clear though, turn round to them and say 'yes very gg and ul'
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10:24 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
At the end of the day, its unsporting! you shouldn't say gg until the game is over that is what gg means, to thank your opponent for the good game! a game is never over until all balls are off the table, so you shouldn't say it even if the balck ball is right against the pocket!
Posts: 3,764
11:00 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Imagine if every time Ronnie O'sullivan missed a shot he looked over to his opponent and said "Good Game". This scenario or something similar has probably been mentioned before, but it's a firm point.

I've seen top players say it to opponents who obviously only have a fraction of the skill they possess, and only because they have the ability to win the game from that position if it were 'their' turn.

I don't mind it so much personally, unless it's a player who repeats it to every opponent in every single game they play, almost with a robot tendency! I believe certain players say it to mask the shame of their previous shot, and then bark out the line as a kind of embarrassment insurance.
Posts: 8,940
11:49 Tue 30 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Lots of valid points made - but i re-iterate :

Make in game chat via PM only then no-one will be annoyed by this! I

Its a simple fix to many of the chat-related issues raised on the forums...

(Martin - just noticed your post about opening PM's at the start of a game - sometimes if checking a new players profile, but not ususally)

Edited at 16:50 Tue 30/05/06 (BST)
Posts: 4,347
15:56 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
good life spinner

well done

gl in afterlife

You're not dead yet? Sorry m8. Ul
Posts: 8,940
16:14 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL can anyone translate that for me?

Looks like Martin caught something off Rhino or Force!
Posts: 4,347
17:28 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I was congratulating u before the game was over m8
Posts: 8,940
17:36 Wed 31 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Haha thanks dude!
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people saying gg early

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