Ran out of time in final!

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Posts: 4,347
08:58 Thu 4 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
Does there have to be a time limit in finals, considering nobody is waiting for you to finish? I just played a 9-ball final in which my opponent's pc ran extremely slowly. I was 2-1 up, and he was playing cagey, with his computer reducing him to maybe 30-40 secs a shot. Time ran out and we were both disqualified. Sigh...never gonna win a 9ball tourny lol
Posts: 963
09:07 Thu 4 May 06 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree. Both competitors have played their way to a final so why not let them play to a finish since its the last match of the tourny?
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Ran out of time in final!

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