Pool Cue Improvement
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Deleted User
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13:02 Fri 28 Apr 06 (BST)
Nick , can ya improve the cue on pool ? its abit shabby and would only take a lil time to fix uop or place a new one there ? it would just add that extra eumf
Edited at 18:02 Fri 28/04/06 (BST)
Edited at 18:02 Fri 28/04/06 (BST)
Deleted User
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14:15 Fri 28 Apr 06 (BST)
i never even noticed the cue before..........lol
Deleted User
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06:22 Sat 29 Apr 06 (BST)
Yeah nick i want flashing neon lights and mutliple colours |ends sarcasm| Its a basic pool cue, considering it has no effect on overall game play whats wrong with it?
Deleted User
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11:30 Sat 29 Apr 06 (BST)
u think this is important but adding a new game is pointless?
18:05 Sat 29 Apr 06 (BST)
LOL fagin - you took the words right outta my, er, fingertips!
Deleted User
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20:35 Sat 29 Apr 06 (BST)
its a que.....does it really matter
it just stays on the screen for like 5 seconds at a time anyway
it just stays on the screen for like 5 seconds at a time anyway
Deleted User
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22:47 Sat 29 Apr 06 (BST)
I wouldnt mind a pink one if your thinking of updating nick
Deleted User
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10:28 Sun 30 Apr 06 (BST)
?? a new game takes a while to make .. a cue is just a simple addition ... get a hold of urselfs ... and no i dont fink its important ... it was a question .... so dont start givin abuse .. it was a query
Deleted User
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08:25 Tue 16 May 06 (BST)
Nick m8 can ya tell me how ya did your cue . Is it just a picture implanted or is it a coded cue ? If Its a picci il make a new one for ya ?!
Deleted User
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09:07 Wed 17 May 06 (BST)
LOL wotta thread good idea but not a necessary one, altho if nicks bored and just wants to mess around, sure he prob would consider it
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Pool Cue Improvement
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