lagg problems whilst in game

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Deleted User
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07:59 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
hey, dnt think iv posted on these forums before but theres always a first.i play the game quite abit but lately iv been experiencing some extreme lag whilst in the game, its not jus me, a few other players have mentioned it to me aswell whilst playing.i think it was the 'sky' ads that made the game real slow.

anyway, thanks!
Posts: 1,473
08:15 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
yea there,s bein plenty threads bout this m8 but the way it is theres always gonna be adds so ur gona have to get on with it,you will have a choice when the premium comes in im sure.i think there might be a slight problem at the moment with the site cuz theres a lot of people sayin its running slow so just give it a day or two prob be back to normal
Deleted User
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08:29 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
well i had a serious problems with lag! before i bought a bigger computer with bigger memory and a bigger processor i was using a athlon 800 which is canny poo and now im using a pentium 4 which is much faster and i have no more problems with lagg no more! plus this computer has a gig and a half memory in it!
Deleted User
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11:15 Tue 25 Apr 06 (BST)  [Link]  
well no esental programees the amount ram and the proceesser size will all contribute to lag
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lagg problems whilst in game

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