What an achievement
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Deleted User
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16:29 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
and for the record on this ... i got my 1st 1 without doing all this and have the persons name if they ever want to ask em
Deleted User
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16:32 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
in theory this is cheating, as you are getting wins unfairly, as your not playing games with not having the posibility of losing.
Deleted User
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16:36 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
well we'll see wot the mods/admins have 2 say (maybe)
Deleted User
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16:38 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
plus he has different account he can easily go on
Deleted User
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16:40 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
yeh we know that, but if its cheating, whats the point??
Deleted User
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16:43 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
wrexhamlad, wana do it m8,been trying ages?
Deleted User
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16:59 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
in a way it in my view is classed as cheating if you's are taking in turns tryingt o get golden breaks.... either way even if u have a line pag golden breaks are nothing but luck...
but still 3 of them wd pag
but still 3 of them wd pag
Deleted User
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17:11 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
Pag aint that good either! and i agree gilli in some cases this is classed as cheating.
Deleted User
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18:20 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
yes, but if they're taking it in turns, then at some point it's his go to have someone break against him...so there is a chance of losing. So overall, you've got a chance of winning, a chance of losing, no rank gained or lost by anyone. I can't see the problem.
Deleted User
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19:15 Mon 27 Feb 06 (GMT)
does it really matter how he got it think the fact he did was gud enuf an whats the point of sayin is cheatin its not like its improved his rank! Is nick gona invent a new rank 4 1000 rankin? cos at this rate hes gona need 1!
01:26 Tue 28 Feb 06 (GMT)
May I please stress again. Errrm It's an online game? Infact if you just get on with it and don't bother what anyone else is doing you win moreoften than not. Please do leave Pag alone as anyone who knows his true identity knows he doesn't cheat as he's one of the top players of funkypool. So to everyone who is: Concentrate on your own game rather than other peoples.
Deleted User
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09:01 Wed 1 Mar 06 (GMT)
ooooo danny777 aint been on for ages, also him and ste159 are always arguin. I wonder who it could be...
missed a 7 out ¬_¬
Edited at 15:01 Wed 1/03/06 (GMT)
missed a 7 out ¬_¬
Edited at 15:01 Wed 1/03/06 (GMT)
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