special tornys?
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10:46 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
this is the seoncd ive put this forward
i think that it would be a good thing for the players to look forward to how about there is special tornys like i.e
funkypool world championship
funkypool uk championship
just to be held yearly or every couple of months it would be a good laff??
what do u think
Edited at 16:46 Mon 23/01/06 (GMT)
i think that it would be a good thing for the players to look forward to how about there is special tornys like i.e
funkypool world championship
funkypool uk championship
just to be held yearly or every couple of months it would be a good laff??
what do u think
Edited at 16:46 Mon 23/01/06 (GMT)
10:58 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
World champ is almost trickshot guarenteed...
Deleted User
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11:06 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
u mean the player or people actually doin trickshots?
Deleted User
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11:07 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
yeah but not on the official site lol and nev is actually world champion!! lol
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11:18 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
yehp nev is reigning champ. I run one every summer.
Deleted User
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11:23 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
An official Funkypool Championship tournament created by Nick seems like a good idea to me ...
Deleted User
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11:24 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
yehp 2 nights at same time. 1 night group stages, next night knockouts and cash prize money to winner :-)
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11:27 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
If there could be monthly rating based tournies (700 or less/700-800/800+) and a world championship or somethin simular every 3 or 6 months would make a lot of players quite happy ^_^
Deleted User
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11:27 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
sounds good but u know Nick aint gona agree to the cash prize.
Deleted User
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11:44 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
world championship
should be all the the top 16 player on the rankings page plus a few to fight it out to get into it!! lol
uk championship
should be mostly the same as the world apart from more players!!! lol
should be all the the top 16 player on the rankings page plus a few to fight it out to get into it!! lol
uk championship
should be mostly the same as the world apart from more players!!! lol
Deleted User
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11:49 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
nick you should really consider in this idea cause its a great idea will be fun to fight it out to become the world champion and what not!! lol
Deleted User
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11:53 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
cash prize is just stupid there are alot of people who dont know how to use or set up paypal or are to young to be gambling so not a good idea!!!
Deleted User
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11:55 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
plus we pay nothing to be members on this site which we thank nick for!! (why you dont have to pay there is a link on the homepage) sooo why should nick have to pay out money to us or have anything to do with money!!!
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13:43 Mon 23 Jan 06 (GMT)
come on people give us your ideas and if you think this is a good idea!!
07:45 Tue 24 Jan 06 (GMT)
I am considering extra features like this - but for now US pool and site problems are the priority.
Deleted User
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16:19 Tue 24 Jan 06 (GMT)
I respect your decision nick but im just putting this veiw forward for future reference .
I think that a Funkypool Championship would be great and could take place over a couple of weeks maybe ? lets say leave the entering open for one day then you should have alot of people to playin it . ( lets just say theeres going to be 6 groups and 30 people in each group ) you could then do 3 of the first rounds on ( monday ) and then 3 more on ( tuesday ) and so on until round 1's are done .
You could then go on from their doing leaders of groups like a group ranking ... and then the top 5 or 10 go through to play the other 5 or 10 from another group etc .
Its only a vaige idea of what has just suddenly come to me and i think it could work with some hard thought and abit of effort .
Not saying you dont put effort in nick ;-)
Edited at 22:21 Tue 24/01/06 (GMT)
I think that a Funkypool Championship would be great and could take place over a couple of weeks maybe ? lets say leave the entering open for one day then you should have alot of people to playin it . ( lets just say theeres going to be 6 groups and 30 people in each group ) you could then do 3 of the first rounds on ( monday ) and then 3 more on ( tuesday ) and so on until round 1's are done .
You could then go on from their doing leaders of groups like a group ranking ... and then the top 5 or 10 go through to play the other 5 or 10 from another group etc .
Its only a vaige idea of what has just suddenly come to me and i think it could work with some hard thought and abit of effort .
Not saying you dont put effort in nick ;-)
Edited at 22:21 Tue 24/01/06 (GMT)
Deleted User
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09:43 Fri 27 Jan 06 (GMT)
i think it is a great idea who ever thought of it is a genious
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special tornys?
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