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Posts: 8,938
14:53 Wed 4 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have hunted the forums to see if this has been addressed before but cant find anything, though i have discussed the issue with various mods over time:

Basically, can we have the option to stop chat occuring in the game window? Leaving the Info box to display results and admin announcements as it should do.

I, and i'm sure many others, find people chatting in the game window incredibly distracting, especially if during tournaments when many people start watching. And sadly many people use it for this purpose, which is as near to cheating as is possible on funkypool.

Having a sperate window, similar to the IM one, popping up if those in the room wish to chat would be an ideal solution.

The only work-around suggested at the moment is to put everyone in the room on ignore, but this takes time, and i would be delighted to chat to them if it were in a different window so as not to be distracting.

Hopefully not too difficult a request?
Posts: 8,938
03:15 Sat 7 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hmmm, how come all the non-thread related chat stays here yet a esnt even get a response?


Methinks the trolls are working together!
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(IP Logged)
04:57 Sat 7 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Heres another useless idea again....

Why do this when, it is so easy to put other users on ignore with a click of a button?

What the point of having two game windows?

If this feature is needed that bad why hasnt other threads been created and more requests?...Simple. it is NOT needed.

Sorry mate, but had to be honest.
Posts: 2,608
07:58 Sat 7 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
nah im with you spinner, i can find it incredibly distracting, especially as the writings now lime green! Maybe not the other window idea, but maybe an option saying "ignore all chat whilst competing"?
Posts: 8,938
10:30 Sat 7 Jan 06 (GMT)  [Link]  
Steven, you didnt read the post properly.. the point is i dont want to ignore anyone! Sure, that is easy to do, but being able to chat during play is one of the most appealing features of the game.

Just that its so distracting when it appears in the game window instead of a seperate proper chat window like the IM's do.

There may not have been any other threads about it but many people have agreed. After all, if they didnt, there would be no point in the IM system either would they?

To put it simple :

Most of the time its just two players in a room, so they chat in the IM box and everythings fine, no distractions and you can chat/comment/joke etc to your hearts content. However, especially when in semis etc of tourneys, there are often many people watching a game, in which case they end up chatting in the game window hence distracting the players.

Simple cure - put all chat in popup windows and everybody's happy..
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