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Big Problem Help!!!

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Posts: 3,764
16:12 Thu 17 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
At the moment i can't enter the game. When i click enter game the window opens but then it closes along with internet explorer, leaving me looking at my desktop. Have tried entering as a guest and the same thing happens. Restarted my computer but the same thing. I am now a resident of Limbo Island.

Please help.....
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:26 Thu 17 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
Seems that quite a few users are experiencing this problem. I used to have this problem too but unfortnately i didnt note down how i cured it. If your on dial-up maybe your line is busy. Opening up java might lose your connection. Java tends to hog alot of your internet connection.
Posts: 3,764
16:28 Thu 17 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have just uninstalled java and reinstalled but the problem remains. Hope somebody can provide a an answer for me as i'm in a little turmoil here!

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:50 Thu 17 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
lOl m8, restart ur computer 2 times

trust me
Posts: 3,764
17:08 Thu 17 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
Phew!!! Just uninstalled java again, reinstalled and it's working. It'ssss Worrrrking! Sorry to start the thread but for a moment there i thought i was in exile.

Hope you can still explain what caused this so i can try to avoid it in the future.

Thank-You guys.
Posts: 4,751
08:49 Fri 18 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
That sounds like a Java VM error. Did it leave a file on your desktop something like hs_pid_err.log?

If so please keep it, or copy and paste into the contact us so I can see what the problem is.

Basically it should not be possible for any Java program to be able to crash the browser! So it's a Sun bug. However, we may be able to workaround this problem.
Posts: 3,764
05:40 Sat 19 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks for the response Nick. In this case there were no error logs like in the past, but in future i will send anything i get if it can help.

At least i'm back on and enjoying myself. You can imagine my horror when the browser also closed, lol

Thx again
Posts: 32
05:48 Sat 19 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
I have a problem, for anyone that cares:

It says java.nullpoint exception or something when I try to log in, and it is starting to get irratating. Admins/mods, please lok at this and alert it to a Senior Admin, or help me cure it. Thanks ;-)
Posts: 4,751
06:22 Sat 19 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
Errr... need more information, as much as you can give.

Please copy the complete exception. Give your Java version and Operating system.
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Big Problem Help!!!

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