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Tournament Bug?

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Posts: 28
06:22 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Past 3/4 tournaments i have played in it has made my computer freeze resulting in restart of computer and elimination from tournament. Just thought i mention here in case of a possible bug.
Deleted User
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06:37 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes possible could, i have just played evilhamster, and he got logged of. Yeah i think it is a possible bug..!

Edited at 11:40 Tue 16/08/05 (BST)
Deleted User
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06:39 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
a possible bug.IT IS ONE.says summin to do with flag thing,dunno0 what it means

has happened twice the day,one in tourney so now am out!!!

and yet again no mods online to sort the problem out

absolute crap
Deleted User
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06:40 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
and yet again no mods online to sort the problem out

Totally agreed
Deleted User
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06:50 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm here, but unfortunately not a mod. Mods/admins here are hopeless/useless.
Deleted User
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06:51 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
anythink to be apart of the team aye ;-)
Deleted User
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06:53 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
and personally i do think you should, robert, your on most time of the day, sturryboy, trickshot, revenge, soz, rich when are they on, never! ROBERT shud be a new admin/ mod
Deleted User
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07:01 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
soz is often on, but lives in America.
Deleted User
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08:06 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
if you all think about it, how would there be any difference with a mod being on?

all they could do is report the issue to nick.

Even if there is a mod online with a knowledge of java, all he could do is report the exact problem to nick, he would not be able to change anything because tournys are now automated.

the best thing to do was to make the problem known, which you have done!
Deleted User
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08:23 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
well i think that they augta either get rid of the mods or get sum more mods in

mods who are more active and responsible

cause this BUG thing is becomeing a growing problem

oh and evilhamster

"""and yet again no mods online to sort the problem out"""

i totally agree
Deleted User
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09:29 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
use the forums to log problems. As said above, the only person with enough access on the server and knowledge to be able to rectify these bugs is nick. Nick often reads the forums whilst not actually logged into the game server, i've been doing the same the last few days, cos i've been rather busy!
Deleted User
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18:18 Tue 16 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
''and personally i do think you should, robert''....there goes his chance of ever becoming a mod

come on guys cut the mods a bit of slack...what do you expect for nothing these days?
Posts: 4,751
09:12 Wed 17 Aug 05 (BST)  [Link]  
The problem you have witnessed is caused by an internet failure. The next version will attempt to re establish a connection a number of times.

Note that you would have got logged out due to internet failure before anyhow, but now the message has changed.
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Tournament Bug?

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