Help Nick!!!
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08:07 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
nick i had spware on my pc, last nite and, hopefully ive got rid of it, i had to re,install java, but it keeps saying. java could not install properly, as a result of this i cannot come online only on forum, do you know wats wrong?
08:29 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
Sorry a fault has occurred. Please can you copy and send the following information using the contact us form; this will help solve this problem, and prevent happening in the future
Java version: 1.5.0_02
Socket connection finished, logged in flag set to true
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wots goin on.
Java version: 1.5.0_02
Socket connection finished, logged in flag set to true
You are logged out
wots goin on.
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09:04 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
my problem has not been caused by java version 1.5.0_02. a pop up came up last nite for a pornographic website and when i went to click it off, i had a message, "virus found" and it messed my system up. a couple of hours after winnin my 4th tournament :(. now whenevr i try to reinstall java it cannot seem to finish the installation properly, so iam having to go and get it reapired, so i am not going to be on here again for a while!, maybe not for a long time.supermega i think you need to uninstall, your java version and then re-install, i had the same problem and it sorted it.hope to get back on soon, when weve sorted it.
09:14 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
steven159, it is worth you uninstalling Java completely from the remove program options of the control panel.
Only then try and reinstall.
Only then try and reinstall.
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09:16 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
i have already tried that, but it will not re-install properly again.
09:39 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
Hmmmm... might need to manually remove the Java files, and remember to restart between installs and uninstalls.
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12:30 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
it says i need activex so i can reinstall properly, do you know how i can reinstall the activex controls? so i can get java back?
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12:41 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
steven159 that happened to me i had the problem i asked AOL and they said that there was another program conflicting with the jave program so i had to compleatly wipe windows XP of my computer and re-install it
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12:48 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
hmm....yes but the problem is i got a system reload disk.
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12:52 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
maybe try doing a system restore and set it back afew days when you had it working.
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14:14 Fri 12 Aug 05 (BST)
im going to have the comp, fixed tommorow, the viruses and spyware are stooping the activex controls which affects java.
16:25 Sun 14 Aug 05 (BST)
ive signed up again and played a few games about 3-4 and my rocode says 15 wins and 6 losers, i ant played that must yet but i did win a tournamet.
nick i know tournamet games r not ranked but r wins and losers added to ur recode. thats all.
nick i know tournamet games r not ranked but r wins and losers added to ur recode. thats all.
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19:51 Sun 14 Aug 05 (BST)
Steven159 whats happining to you is EXACTLY whats happened to me!!! i too have tried all that......are you using a laptop via a router?? i am,, but when i use pc at desk its fine! so i thought it was just my laptop. All the above what supermega typed is what comes on my screen. WHATS GOING ON???,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HELP!
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Help Nick!!!
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