rocketrahman v triangl

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Deleted User
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12:15 Fri 8 Jul 05 (BST)  [Link]  
this is about our div 4 match

i was winning 1-0, and with an easy black to pot, on the second game

i was on the black he had 6 balls to pot, and then he left the game. (even if that hadnt been the case, as he left the game i win by default, so its now 2-0)

i pmed him and he said he didnt know what happened, but then when i questioned him further he closed the window and then put me on ignore. not the actions of an innocent party

anyway he re-entered the game, and we continued playing, and won our next game, he said the score was 1-0, which it was by the result, but it was actually 2-1, which i said and he didnt dispute so i assumed he agreed

anyway i won the next match and again, im on the black hes got 5 balls to pot this time, and he leaves again, this time never to return. what should i do? im willing to playt him another game so he can make it 4-2, if he wants but the score now stands at 4-1
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:24 Fri 8 Jul 05 (BST)  [Link]  
im going to submit a 6-0 win, as he left when i was winning with 3 wins. if admins feel like changing it or deleting the result fine, but dont DQ me, cos im not faking results!
Posts: 1,556
13:01 Fri 8 Jul 05 (BST)  [Link]  
He's left twice and set you on ignore, that's gotta be a win for you.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:47 Fri 8 Jul 05 (BST)  [Link]  
If you are winning so the other user can't catch you, ie, more than 3-0, and your opponent leaves, then submit 6-0 is the rule
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rocketrahman v triangl

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