Funkypool Ending?

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Pages: 1
Posts: 22
06:04 Sat 5 Dec 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Funkypool Ending?


Edited at 23:30 Fri 04/12/20 (GMT)

would ya be bothered?
Posts: 38,214
11:59 Wed 9 Dec 20 (GMT)  [Link]  
Pull_Life! *Waves* I mention this name an wave because i know for a fact he will read this thread whether on the same name or not!

Hi! No messages for a while mate, are you feeling ok?

Anyway, I know he's previous user turned mod turned Admin turned bitter!

I also believe him to be my stalker, even going back years using loads of justsum..names..he always hated me and has indicated via messages, through me questioning (or tellin him rather) that we both know its him.
He also messaged me telling me Funky would be gone on a certain day, and from Kirks post, it obviously went down.

I believe Funky will go one day, just like Poolsharks did but i dont think he has any idea when. I know its a yearly...restart/update thing for the site to go down so my guess is its on the same date every year.....and with him being former Admin, he knows this.
Using what he thinks is his clever brain, he decided to message people to make them think he was someone of importance.

I do hope funky stays though for all the people who still enjoy it
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Funkypool Ending?

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