virus scam crap

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Posts: 250
01:27 Sun 11 Oct 20 (BST)  [Link]  
What a posts last nite regarding this fake virus we're removed.And I thought we still had something called free speech in this world.All because I dared to speak the truth...which of course they don't want people to know.Truths the uk since February,only 307 people under the age of 60,without underlying health issues,have died of covid.Truths like the test they are using for this virus doesn't test for a virus,it only tests for genetic material which is present in most of us.And truths like only 1% of the population in uk are dying from it.These are not just truths,they are official figures that anyone can access.People need to wake up to all this before its too late! Don't believe your governments because they're lying to you big time.Its not about a virus...its about control on a massive global scale!!!.
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virus scam crap

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