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Funky a horrible place to play

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Posts: 9
17:42 Thu 7 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
I not long come back to this after many years on and off. I mainly play on snooker site. And because I new name and win some games, people start calling me cheat and other player names. So I tell these people who I am and my last names but this change nothing. I still get abused constantly when I win. I also get ignored when I say gl or gg.

These players who win lots and ask for competition, when I play and win they leave game early or go in mood. Showing they not true sporting champions. They fake and frauds taking advantage because not many people play now. I from back in the day where many good players. Likes of lars, ste, onua, steven_up, walker666 and so many more. These players are not a touch on them and one big thing I notice is they not humble.

It should not matter who or what rank player is to play against. You should play your game and enjoy and be nice. And because of abuse etc I snap as well today and this is why I leave because players now make it nasty place to play. So obsessed with medals that mean nothing and adding tournaments that nobody really enter. The winning does not matter guys. You should enjoy and make this a friendly place to play to help keep members coming back.

I apologise to hippesville as he is one I snap at as he was funny with me when I try make small chat. He said it not small chat but I dont know why this matter as big or small it was just meant friendly. We play many time and have no issue so why now?
Posts: 9
17:45 Thu 7 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
You can keep winning medals and points and everything but it no matter today. This was nice happy site and it now not. I go back to snooker and not return now. But for people say who I am you wrong but this no matter. If anyone gave me chance they see I am me but this is life.

I hope one day you guys see this and make players feel welcome and not worry so much about rank or name or status. We all here to play and enjoy win or lose.
Posts: 13,570
17:48 Thu 7 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nah no need for any abuse anubis

Altho I did receive the name calling after I beat you, making you a hypocrite for what is written above.

I don't get folk like you that can't accept losing as well as winning. We all play to win, but you've got to expect defeat also.

Anyone that knows me on here will tell you whether I win or lose I'm still the same....some banter but never pushing it.

Whatever you call me or other people saddens me
Posts: 9
18:10 Thu 7 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah you are very dangerous person hippesville. You are very careful in how you try and get under the skin. You have beat me few times as I have you so this comment is clear way of trying to make me sound wrong. Also I publicly apologise for what I say but you ignore this to try and antagonise more. You no mention that I see. I no say you ever be nasty in abusive way but you are funny to people.

You are clearly not a nice person to be saying about losing. You say funny things near end of game and leave and no give me chance to reply. You twist things also to make you look good like angel. You can do this, I see you for what you are and you may play ok but you not nice person.

I had lot more abuse over past weeks off many people and a lot worse than what I say to you. Everyday I play. Today I snap which you right no excuse, but at least I apologise. No one has to me and you try to make it sound like I lie about how this site be. You just want your medals I guess and no want challenge. Well you all win. You no care about what I been through just yourselves. But I humble to say I was not all right. Who else is?
Posts: 13,570
18:18 Thu 7 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok I'm dangerous coz I enjoy a bit of banter, don't use foul and abusive language and don't mind a good whoopin.

Sorta defeats your opinions. On dedi thread you compliment me. Now yer hurling abuse

Maybe you need to have a think about your approach to other users.
My personal experience with you was we got along until you start name-calling in pm

Beats me!
Posts: 9
18:30 Thu 7 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
You dangerous because you twist things that was not. You know why I react and you lay clever traps to allow people react badly so you can report. Your horrible.

I compliment because it true and then you act funny. Again you no reply to anything I say positive like when I apologise. You no reply to what I had to put up with. If you read what I say properly you see I snap because of how people are to me. I been fine until today coping with this but it enough now. I start this game very nice and it bring me down.

I no say we get on when you say things like no small talk? I dont get this or why it matter, it was just chat like to get to know you and you life because we play lot. I no see what I did was wrong at this point.

Your replies not help situation but add so why not help make funky better and accept what I say.
Posts: 9
19:25 Thu 7 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes no reply now when I say things you cant argue or follow your narrative. You are as bad as every other bad person here only worse as you sly. You no care about site or people but just you. You talk crap over forum and you not well liked and now I understand why. You are what I called you abusivly but I should not have let you all get to me to lash out.

You are poison with all others and I glad I go. Keep you toxic site and medals. No job obviously to play all time and win cyb er medals. I go now as you will no say nothing to make it better and want to cause me to be nasty. You a instigator of trouble and hide it so well no many can see who and what you are. You smartest person here until you not
Posts: 250
00:33 Fri 8 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedicate my 196th 9ball tournament win to hippes always nice playin you mate

Edited at 00:47 Fri 08/11/19 (GMT)
Posts: 72
21:56 Mon 11 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yikes, that was the cringiest attempt of somebody trying to sound as though English isn't their first language that I've ever seen.
Posts: 4,195
10:03 Sat 16 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
This makes more sense now. You must be the reason I got abuse off our hippy friend. Ironic really as he said to you there is no excuse for it lol. Sorry Gareth but this wasnt me but I agree with everything he has said about you and more. Its nice to see that other people are seeing what I have for years now. Also i have never hid me thoughts about you ever, you should know now that I like to face you as me, not some fake account too scared to tell you who I am and what I think.

Quite clearly he is someone though pretending to be foreign lol. Can only be a handful of players. I dont think funky is a horrible place though, just filled with some paranoid people who need to get out more and stop bothering about a game thats dead and enjoy the last legs of this game.
Posts: 4,195
11:56 Sat 16 Nov 19 (GMT)  [Link]  
Anyway moving on as Gaz wont want to ruin his perfect holier than thou image and admit he was abusive we should just leave it the and agree we both dont get on not never will. Weird as Jimmy always liked you so I did try and give you the benefit of the doubt many times but your just an (insert profanity) and I know you will feel the same about me which is fair enough.

The difference is I can type here and admit my many wrongs over the years and that im silly and I dont follow forum rules because the thing is I just dont care. Im my own person and I do and say what I want when I want. Sometimes I talk sense and sometimes im a fool but I never pretend im perfect like you. And I always reply to anything people say on the forums or in game about me right or wrong. You just hide away when you have no argument for what you do. And although im sure many members will still like you, they will still see that im right.

Lets move on, avoid each other and try and keep the abuse to a minimum eh
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Funky a horrible place to play

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