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Kirk vs The World

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Posts: 1,714
18:50 Thu 25 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
Little competition I want to start. Me vs anyone who wants to put their name forward but for this one a max of 5 players for this one. You will work as part of a clan basically but you will all face me and try to get as a team more points than I do. And each point will be a frame that's won.

Basically like old clan games, 5 frames of the 3 main game types 8us, 9 us and 8 uk against me. And the end result will go towards each others total.

P.S. don't bother putting your name down unless you can play Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10-4 as that's the only time I can play.

If this goes well then we can change the main player so if it was silent_hill it would be him against a team of 5 and silent_hill against the world.

Any questions or takers?
Posts: 83
19:48 Thu 25 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
I have 5 aliases . . .we are the only ones good enough to stand a chance with you.
Posts: 213
11:16 Fri 26 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
pmsfl lol ^^^ funny comment of the week
Posts: 1,714
17:00 Fri 26 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
I think people may be scared. Think gambler had a point about people not wanting to face the best
Posts: 213
17:22 Fri 26 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
You dont get tourna points for it Bubs. Thats all the few people on here are really interested in now. Obviously i will support you and play as you supported and played me
Posts: 83
19:40 Fri 26 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
It was not meant to be a funny comment ... it is a legit claim.
Posts: 213
22:49 Fri 26 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
I know bubs i laughed because i feel the same. Its a sad state this site is in
Posts: 1,714
00:52 Sat 27 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
State of the site is bad no doubt. But I felt I always got overlooked as a legit best player contender so I aim even if I lose to put my name up there regardless of how the site is now. I beat them back then and im capable now on a bad laptop. Im not saying I am the best as I dont think anyone can be. But to be up there is a great achievement and coming from the best that are around now that still something.

If this event doesnt get any players then I will sack it off. Shows how bad its got though.
Posts: 78
02:37 Sat 27 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm game but I can't do those hours, presuming the hours are 10am - 4pm UK time? If you can do 8am UK time that would work for me.
Posts: 213
03:50 Sat 27 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
That is correct bubba

Edited at 01:16 Sat 27/10/18 (BST)
Posts: 206
15:05 Sat 27 Oct 18 (BST)  [Link]  
im up for it to

but couldn't play till 3-30 mon to wed after work

shame though
Posts: 4,230
23:55 Sun 28 Oct 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
jaysus, is that really 10am - 4pm UK time?
You are fishing for the poor dole guys. I wouldnt mind to give u a game, but this is impossible as i work 8am-5pm
Posts: 213
01:41 Mon 29 Oct 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
we don't all work 50 hours a week for coupons bubs that's your problem
Posts: 1,714
16:43 Mon 29 Oct 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
jaysus, is that really 10am - 4pm UK time?
You are fishing for the poor dole guys. I wouldnt mind to give u a game, but this is impossible as i work 8am-5pm

Thats a bit of a silly comment. How many people jumped up and challenged gambler who is a top class player? Not many and I beat him. Iv made a name for myself accepting any and all challenges over the years as losing isnt the end. And in pool its easy to get beat at a high level.

The reasons for those times are because they are my only free days where I dont have as many responsibilities or jobs and I can work round them times. I cant deification all my time to this site anymore which is why I put the times in available. I understand other people work as well but at least it saves the hassle of a default game.
Posts: 20
10:49 Mon 5 Nov 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lets go, 10am Thursday?
Posts: 20
10:03 Wed 7 Nov 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lets go, 10am Thursday?

Posted 3 days ago and still no reply. Have you changed your mind on this event?
Posts: 1,714
13:25 Wed 7 Nov 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
Been away for the weekend. Thanks for your interest but there isn't as much interest as id need to run this so im just going to cancel it and look at maybe doing an individual event or just stick to playing tournaments in my free time as the forums is pretty desolate now.

Posts: 9,456
01:06 Tue 13 Nov 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
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Kirk vs The World

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