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Quick Question?

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Posts: 368
02:17 Fri 12 Jan 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey Guys/Gals,

Just a quick question, bit of nip and tongue between me and Eric (_epicshot),

Who do you guys think is a better player overall,

Feel free to reply away.
Posts: 72
05:15 Fri 12 Jan 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
In my mind you're similar players. Both strong attacking players. Connor I have seen do some brilliant things in UK, and Eric I have seen do some great things in US8 and 9. Forced to choose I would have to say Eric has a slight edge, but it's close. This is all speaking generally of course. You're only as good as your current form, what ever that may be - in my case awful
Posts: 368
05:32 Fri 12 Jan 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
In my mind you're similar players. Both strong attacking players. Connor I have seen do some brilliant things in UK, and Eric I have seen do some great things in US8 and 9. Forced to choose I would have to say Eric has a slight edge, but it's close. This is all speaking generally of course. You're only as good as your current form, what ever that may be - in my case awful

Not that bad mate you beat me earlier
Posts: 338
22:23 Fri 12 Jan 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
Based on the last FCL eric
Posts: 368
02:31 Sat 13 Jan 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
Based on the last FCL eric

Every dog has their day
Posts: 13,570
03:03 Sun 14 Jan 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
as bad as each other lol
Posts: 368
04:05 Mon 15 Jan 18 (GMT)  [Link]  
as bad as each other lol

As long as we are not as bad as you
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Quick Question?

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