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Kris's 8US run-out ompetition

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Posts: 4,230
12:42 Sat 8 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
So here we go, rules are pretty simple here-
almost a month to go, who gets the most Run-out's at 8US.
Prize for top 3, if this will have legs to be popular :

so far, we have

_epicshot_ -4 runouts

Feel free to add yourself into this list, prefebly before you manage your 8us runout tho But as Eric has ran far away with it within 2 hours of me creating this thing, then id say it doesnt really matter, anything to catch him!!!!!

And it comes without saying- have fun everyone!

And i also have to repeat our friend Ashleigh's words-Its easy, he did it 5 times in one night or something. Blody hell, last time i was able to say something like that, was when i was a young stud lol. So credit where credit is due

I bet he got cramps in his hand tho

Edited at 09:47 Sat 08/07/17 (BST)
Posts: 4,230
12:46 Sat 8 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
All you guys-gals have to do, is to post your result on here, easy as that
Posts: 38,097
13:01 Sat 8 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey Kris, thanks for the offer but already turned down two events, Carom on Snooker which i enjoy and Epic's event on here (whatever it is) so going to respectfully decline this too as going to stick to my morals of not entering any events for now then when the league ends i can take my break without having to stay longer due to events.

Sorry mate
Posts: 38,097
13:07 Sat 8 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Also if Ash thinks that Runouts are easy, try three UK Golden Breaks in a row and five in around an hour.

But yeah, it's not easy at all, i'd say UK is hardest as once you potted, you can't choose a colour unless you pot one of each then have to navigate around the other colour.

9 is probably the easiest providing you pot and US in the middle as you can choose the Solid/Stripe ball after you potted so can survey the information and see what is the best route.

Breakoff's i'd say is probably reversed.
Posts: 103
07:31 Wed 12 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Although I respect your views, obviously, 9ball ain't that easy to run out in, when you have a crap break like I do lol!

Can't get a ball down on break
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Kris's 8US run-out ompetition

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