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Posts: 5,821
02:58 Tue 30 May 17 (BST)  [Link]  
to all the players that i surposs to have said rude thing to silence_hill dgen my account was hack by umma as i was playing silence_hill in a game thats when i found out that i was to be saying rude things about players on the game shout form but it was delited by admin if this was the case why was i not ban from the site i had to change my password and email i been on here since 14/6 /09 i may lost the rag some times but would never slag of any bodys disabiltys and would not call them fat gits i was thinking of delitting my account all together but not going to let anybody get the better of me be on here to long for that thaxs for taking the time to read this and to silence_hill your to quick to judge people before you hear the facks m8
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