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Team H: horse10000/faust/fastboysam/dv8

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Posts: 647
01:05 Fri 16 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
faust (9) v (6) letsgochamp

Really enjoyable games. Pretty open and attacking on the US tables and really grindy in the UK. Another nice guy and it's been a pleasure to play every single opponent this season. I hope next season (if there is one) is home and away to give us a few more to play!

Brilliant result here mate
Posts: 10,109
01:06 Fri 16 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
faust (9) v (6) letsgochamp

Really enjoyable games. Pretty open and attacking on the US tables and really grindy in the UK. Another nice guy and it's been a pleasure to play every single opponent this season. I hope next season (if there is one) is home and away to give us a few more to play!

Brilliant result here mate

Cheers mate. Finished my 2nd season with another 50% overall, so I'm managing to hit bang on mediocre! :P
Posts: 647
03:31 Sat 17 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
me vs gaz

8us 3-2
9us 4-1 r/o me
8uk 4-1

overall 11-4 to myself

up and down battle here both making mistakes. knowing i needed a 9 for the fixture it didnt start well losing the first 2 frames. then started finding my range. pleasure playing gaz as always.
Posts: 10,109
11:46 Sat 17 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Wowza! That's a sweet result mate!
Posts: 10,109
11:48 Sat 17 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixtures

Team A vs Team H

buckjam v dv8
whocares8x8 v horse10000
mike_though v fastboysam

Team B (17) vs (13) Team H

miss_harriet vs horse10000
_epicshot_ (8) vs (7) faust
dgeneratio (9) vs (6) fastboysam

Team D (15) vs (15) Team H

you____lost vs fastboysam
darkknight (11) vs (4) faust
beetlejuice (4) vs (11) dv8

Team E (13) vs (17) Team H

erigert (6) vs (9) dv8
thegame26 vs horse10000
_stellafella (7) vs (8) faust

Team F (13) vs (17) Team H

silence_hill (9) vs (6) fastboysam
bigcjl2 vs horse10000
__start__ (4) vs (11) dv8

Team G (20) vs (25) Team H

vixen__xox (10) vs (5) horse10000
hippesville (4) vs (11) dv8
letsgochamp (6) vs (9) faust
Posts: 647
12:19 Sat 17 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Wowza! That's a sweet result mate!

Posts: 38,097
14:29 Sun 18 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Team F

bigcjl2 out

_epicshot_ v redhand
darkknight v silence_hill
erigert v __start__
redhand v horse10000
Posts: 647
05:13 Wed 21 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
me vs bucky

8us 5-0 r/o me
9us 4-1
8uk 3-2

overall 12-3 to myself

he was unfortunate to not get a few more here. played well and took my chances. well theres my games done and dusted. lets go boys bring it in. 54 wins/21 loses 72%

Edited at 02:21 Wed 21/06/17 (BST)
Posts: 10,109
12:47 Tue 27 Jun 17 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Fixtures

Team A (3) vs (12) Team H

buckjam (3) v (12) dv8
whocares8x8 v horse10000
mike_though v fastboysam

Team B (17) vs (13) Team H

miss_harriet vs horse10000
_epicshot_ (8) vs (7) faust
dgeneratio (9) vs (6) fastboysam

Team D (15) vs (15) Team H

you____lost vs fastboysam
darkknight (11) vs (4) faust
beetlejuice (4) vs (11) dv8

Team E (13) vs (17) Team H

erigert (6) vs (9) dv8
thegame26 vs horse10000
_stellafella (7) vs (8) faust

Team F (13) vs (17) Team H

silence_hill (9) vs (6) fastboysam
redhand vs horse10000
__start__ (4) vs (11) dv8

Team G (20) vs (25) Team H

vixen__xox (10) vs (5) horse10000
hippesville (4) vs (11) dv8
letsgochamp (6) vs (9) faust
Posts: 38,097
17:20 Thu 20 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Spoke to Keith and Subs are now allowed to complete games.

Only the players who didn't compete are allowed to play in the missing fixture.

No deadline "yet" but plan to talk to Keith about it so we can finish one way or another
Posts: 38,097
15:21 Fri 21 Jul 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Spoke with Keith and he said a three week deadline but we traditionally end on a Sunday Night so final deadline is Sunday 13th August.

After that time all games unplayed would be defaulted.

Check here for your match:

If the Result isn't updated then please post it so I can update or Subs would be fair gain for that match as the result wouldn't have been posted to update.

Sub Tip: Figure out your current team (e.g. Team B, Dgen, Epic, Mel, Harriet) and if Epic, Mel and Harriet are in the game then only Dgen can Sub in to play it.

If Newcomers (i.e. Rubbersoul (Team G) are on the current team, they can still Sub in to any missing match provided they're only in one fixture in that match (e.g. Dgen can't play twice vs Team A).

Lastly thanks to everyone who stuck around to play their games, it's been a struggle this season but hoping for one final push before the league can be put to rest.

Thanks Guys.
Posts: 647
01:07 Sat 5 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
dv8 12 - 3 ferretlady
Posts: 38,097
20:19 Sat 5 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
^ instead of Harriet vs Keith
Posts: 38,097
15:59 Fri 11 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  
Deadline Sunday Night guys if you want to play then i'll round up the games missing and ask for default info.

Posts: 38,097
15:55 Mon 14 Aug 17 (BST)  [Link]  

Please send info to horse10000 including Subs/Swaps info as well, can include Mails, Social Media and Forum Posts.

If you do play before Keith closes the default info then we will let it stand so VERY last chance to play should you wish to do so.

Also last chance to post any missing Results.

Cheers guys and thanks to those who stuck around until the end. Wish you luck in future life
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Team H: horse10000/faust/fastboysam/dv8

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