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Tournaments - What's happening?

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Deleted User
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14:27 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is it really that difficult to get this off the ground? Announced almost 2 months ago and still no change....

"We have decided to remove all micro tournaments to run a trial with the tournament schedule going back to the one tournament per hour."

Update: This is going to happen we have a schedule nearly ready, im busy with work and when I get sometime will introduce the full list. ""

"Sorry for the delay. The change in the schedule will happen in the next few days we will post the update on here."

Posted Image

Seriously, how many admin does it take to change a light bulb? Half don't log in and those that do (flapjack prime example) just browse the forum. The only admin that play the game is fastboysam, which begs the question, why are the rest of you admins on a site that you clearly have no interest in?

Sort if out!!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:18 Tue 8 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
When you've got the site owner who hasn't even logged in on his account for 7 months and isn't responding to any messages from admin to even let them know he's still alive then what else do you expect.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:17 Wed 9 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I understand that, but I can't see how it is connected to a 2 month old promise to change the tournament schedule? If doing nothing to benefit the site is an offshoot of an owner that's lost interest then I sincerely believe those responsible should step aside and let some fresh blood have a shot.

We've been told the owner doesn't need to be present to amend tournament schedules, so what's the point of creating a post informing us of imminent change that after months still hasn't materialised? It's sloppy and doesn't put any faith in what could be the last set of members (admin) that can make a real change.

Maybe if more members pointed out the failed promises, the unpaid 'mega tournament' prizes, the possible moderator positions simply for winning a tournament (total lie by budweiser), the fact 80% of the staff seemingly have no interest in the website.....Then there might be a change.

As it stands the site revolves around a few obsessed OCD clan captain captains and their minions...

When was the last time you saw Faust, punkpoet, knightmare and co make a stand for the wider community instead of pasting a fixture list 5 times a day. Part of the reason for this site going down the pan is these types believing that barricading themselves in fixture sets against the same people over and over again is beneficial to the site. Playing friendlies (God forbid it's ranked..) against the same 100 people over and over....
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
12:19 Wed 9 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Come online, join a tournament, play some ranked games and for Gods sake have a voice that supports the website you profess to love so much!

Sit around twiddling your thumbs and I guarantee this site will not be worth visiting within 12 months regardless of wether it's still here or not.
Posts: 38,097
13:08 Wed 9 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why should i play Ranked and Tournament when i don't enjoy them? You play a game to enjoy and relax, if you can't enjoy something then don't do it and find something else.

Clan League + Friends is the only thing keeping me on the site, Snooker has collapsed since the league went bust so on Snooker, i just play hour or two sessions with friends (mostly thegame26). On Pool i have around 3-4 clan games per week and other events as well as play sessions with friends. Plenty to do.

Yes the Mega Prizes, Still waiting for Premium there but i don't care if i don't get it as its just cues anyway.

Any Admin and heard Mods can as well, edit the Tournament Schedule, they need stats to do them though.

As for Admin being lazy your right a bit, some rarely log in and don't get demoted but others are on site frequently and even if we can't see them doing work, fairly sure they do work behind the scenes. Said for a while Admin who hasn't logged in months should be removed and replaced by active Moderators but thats just my opinion and i'm sure Admin has their own process for selection.

I have done a Community Group on Facebook, not sure what else you want me to do? even if i start playing tournaments NOTHING will change, We need Nick for those sorts of changes and he isn't around
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:08 Wed 9 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol ummagumma's back.
Posts: 14,736
17:17 Wed 9 Mar 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol: username more apt would have been: CUCKOO tbh.
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Tournaments - What's happening?

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