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Posts: 3,359
20:57 Mon 25 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
After a successful stint last year Funky Pools first ever baby creche has re-opened in 2016 to accommodate all the babies that like to bicker and argue over an online game

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Contact me A.S.A.P to avoid disappointment
Posts: 4,046
21:25 Mon 25 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Brilliant idea. Is there a corner for pro's that whinge and moan when they get beat or lose a couple of frames to inferior opposition.?
Posts: 2,588
21:41 Mon 25 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Brilliant idea. Is there a corner for pro's that whinge and moan when they get beat or lose a couple of frames to inferior opposition.?

I'd be there all the time, so hopefully not
Posts: 3,359
21:49 Mon 25 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
Brilliant idea. Is there a corner for pro's that whinge and moan when they get beat or lose a couple of frames to inferior opposition.?

I could create a special corner if needed
Posts: 1,361
00:00 Tue 26 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  

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Hope you've got lots of them for those who like to spit the dummy
Posts: 9,456
00:42 Tue 26 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll add.... rather than all the kids coming on this thread and looking for dummy's, adults who can't get along and arrange a simple on line pool game without fighting really need a look in the mirror and grow up.. can anyone show me the trophies in their house in winning or are we talking about history in here that everyone seems concerned about, the site is on it's last legs so I beg can you all just get a long, we have a limited amount of staff running the leagues etc. Yes admin/staff will need to make changes etc but I come on here and all I read before logging In is petty crap over a few games. It can't be hard to arrange a game can it....? This can be open as a thread for now
Posts: 38,097
00:55 Tue 26 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
depends who it is mate, some are easy and some are difficult. i know its fake trophies but i'm past that stage where i want to win them. I play for fun now but how fun is it when someone tries for 2/3 weeks, get no response then get demanded to change your times or other clan asks you to sub out? No fun at all.

You can't get along with everyone though.
Posts: 2,327
00:59 Tue 26 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
depends who it is mate, some are easy and some are difficult. i know its fake trophies but i'm past that stage where i want to win them. I play for fun now but how fun is it when someone tries for 2/3 weeks, get no response then get demanded to change your times or other clan asks you to sub out? No fun at all.

You can't get along with everyone though.

But you can flip em' the bird because they can't see you hehe

Or can they.. <whistles the X-files theme>
Posts: 9,456
01:18 Tue 26 Jan 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
James you always comment on the most recent event or mist threads - like this, which is ok you have a passion, My comment isn't made on this thread but in general for members who care. All games are competitive and we wouldn't want anyone to be different, this is a clan league and everyone wants to win - and so they should hence the thread but the reason is, stop the silly fights or arguments. Not needed < message me if you want a chat
Posts: 19,819
17:04 Wed 10 Feb 16 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'll add.... rather than all the kids coming on this thread and looking for dummy's, adults who can't get along and arrange a simple on line pool game without fighting really need a look in the mirror and grow up.. can anyone show me the trophies in their house in winning or are we talking about history in here that everyone seems concerned about, the site is on it's last legs so I beg can you all just get a long, we have a limited amount of staff running the leagues etc. Yes admin/staff will need to make changes etc but I come on here and all I read before logging In is petty crap over a few games. It can't be hard to arrange a game can it....? This can be open as a thread for now

I have tropheys on my profile

And i only just saw this thread hahaha missed it.
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Baby creche open for business

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