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Funkypool favourite moments

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01:04 Fri 2 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Being a captain of the Python who lasted one season and won the FBL cup
Posts: 19,819
19:37 Fri 2 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Won the Day TournaPoints Event!
22:53 Sun 27/09/15
Won the The Funkypool World Random Championship 2015, winning 392 TournaPoints!

A rare day tournet medal and a good tourney
Posts: 19,967
20:25 Fri 2 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Back when there were two divisions with 2 promotion places, there was a great season (I think it was the first for these 3 clans) between FBI, Fellowship and Sharpshooters. FBI were head and shoulders above the rest of the division, but Fellowship and Sharpshooters were hard to separate. Fellowship had a slight edge through the season, but in the last set Sharpshooters managed to gain a small lead. In the crucial head-to-head, Sharpshooters lead, and 12-3 was needed in the final match for Fellowship to take back 2nd place (and the last promotion place). I managed to win 13-2 and as an anti-climax, sharpshooters were promoted because of a div 1 team folding.

In another season, Latin Legends ended up with a death sentence of a draw - MVP in round one, a certain knockout. They took a steady lead, and I was up against the Ronaldo of their Galacticos in eemad (on a 15 FCL game winning streak, which no doubt included the best of the best). Expecting to be the nail in our Cup coffin, I caught him on an off day and played some of my best stuff to win through 10-5 (A scoreline he said flattered him, though I wasn't so sure), I went on to beat mr_pink_eyes 9-6 and dgeneratio in the final 12-3. Unfortunately, I was the only one on my team to actually win a match in the final against Snooker Squad but I still brought us back into it slightly and must've been the player with the toughest draw of players yet the highest win %.
Posts: 6,262
03:53 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Back when there were two divisions with 2 promotion places, there was a great season (I think it was the first for these 3 clans) between FBI, Fellowship and Sharpshooters. FBI were head and shoulders above the rest of the division, but Fellowship and Sharpshooters were hard to separate. Fellowship had a slight edge through the season, but in the last set Sharpshooters managed to gain a small lead. In the crucial head-to-head, Sharpshooters lead, and 12-3 was needed in the final match for Fellowship to take back 2nd place (and the last promotion place). I managed to win 13-2 and as an anti-climax, sharpshooters were promoted because of a div 1 team folding.

In another season, Latin Legends ended up with a death sentence of a draw - MVP in round one, a certain knockout. They took a steady lead, and I was up against the Ronaldo of their Galacticos in eemad (on a 15 FCL game winning streak, which no doubt included the best of the best). Expecting to be the nail in our Cup coffin, I caught him on an off day and played some of my best stuff to win through 10-5 (A scoreline he said flattered him, though I wasn't so sure), I went on to beat mr_pink_eyes 9-6 and dgeneratio in the final 12-3. Unfortunately, I was the only one on my team to actually win a match in the final against Snooker Squad but I still brought us back into it slightly and must've been the player with the toughest draw of players yet the highest win %.

PTO for reply
Posts: 6,262
04:01 Sat 3 Oct 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry you filled the page there zante that was a trip back from the past and many true points....

yes the team folding was a factor in sharpshooters being promoted but I guess it wasn't the only factor eh ..

we did all right in the end and ended when we wanted to which had been decided long before the clan began.

Yes it was more fun with two divisions and the top second divisions being promoted, but ffs there was people on multiple accounts playing both divisions at same time, yes there was shock horror, even league runners at times..

I'd say for me the best years where about 8 years ago, I can't remember what but I started with good old rick as my captain then me and craig told him to do one and took rule of sharpshooters from good old laim lmc_shark

I think we won a few things, enough then was time for a change, hey things move on, funkys moved way onnnn
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Funkypool favourite moments

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