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Rooney has broken Sir Bobby Charlton's record

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Posts: 95
00:34 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Rooney has finally done it! to tie it up at 49 goals by a questionable penalty and to break it by another penalty.

Is Rooney an England legend? (yet)
Posts: 38,097
00:47 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
penalties shouldn't count in my view but well done Wayne, maybe not a legend yet, he needs to show at a Euro/World Cup
Posts: 95
00:54 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah i agree but they still are goals scored, people may say Rooney is not a legend because he doesnt really perform that well in the euros or world cup. When he retires he will definitely be classed as a legend for England.
Posts: 4,046
01:02 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Not once has he scored a decisive goal for England. We remember Gascoingnes goal, Beckam against Greece, Lineker against Cameroon ect. I cant remember one scored by Rooney. He has really only ever scored against smaller teams in qualifying. Crouch scored more goals over less games and they were more remarkable too. The guy has never been that special imo. Just a work horse and a lazy one best part of the time at that.
Posts: 19,967
01:09 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Think the big news tonight was San Marino's first away goal in 14 years. Last time they scored away, Rooney was in the Everton youth team and twitter didn't exist!
Posts: 14,736
02:30 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Cannot compare Rooney too the GREAT Sir Bobby Charlton, when Charlton played that was proper football, tackling was rife and allowed. Nowadays the slightest touch and they fall over like they've been shot.

Wasn't even a penalty Sterling is such a cheat - the ball wasn't even under his control before he saw the defenders leg and fell over.

Rooney even though has scored 50 goals will never be as good or worthy of such an accolade.

Rest assured Sir Bobby no one will EVER replace what he did and brought to the England team IMO
Posts: 7,974
03:30 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Rooney has scored more goals per minute on the pitch than Charlton

people talk about who was the best
Best v Giggs
Charlton v Rooney

you cant, modern day footballers are far superior in every aspect

Rooney deserves every accolade
Posts: 399
03:35 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Rooney has scored more goals per minute on the pitch than Charlton

people talk about who was the best
Best v Giggs
Charlton v Rooney

you cant, modern day footballers are far superior in every aspect

Rooney deserves every accolade

Well said!!
Posts: 9,456
03:42 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Rooney is the only person in the history of English football to score 50 goals for England so all the hype about him scoring against non top teams is rubbish, reaching that many caps alone is an achievement but beating the most goals scored deserves a great deal of recognition for a record that has never been beaten by strikers like shearer and linekar etc.... Rooney has over 100 caps for his country and has now broke the record for goals if this wasn't a Man Utd player I'd feel he'd get a better response! I honestly believe he will also break the most caps currently held by shilton

On the more positive note still unbeaten and I have booked my ticket to France for 2016
Posts: 7,974
04:11 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Sir Booby Charlton says it all
if its good enough for him, its good enough for everyone

Bobby is no mug, he knows how good Rooney is
for both club and country
Posts: 38,097
11:23 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Rooney is the only person in the history of English football to score 50 goals for England so all the hype about him scoring against non top teams is rubbish, reaching that many caps alone is an achievement but beating the most goals scored deserves a great deal of recognition for a record that has never been beaten by strikers like shearer and linekar etc.... Rooney has over 100 caps for his country and has now broke the record for goals if this wasn't a Man Utd player I'd feel he'd get a better response! I honestly believe he will also break the most caps currently held by shilton

On the more positive note still unbeaten and I have booked my ticket to France for 2016

I don't know much about football mate but far as i know the World Cup and Euros are the events what make football special, i can't remember Rooney or modern day England show up at a major event, They do well in Qualifying and Friendlies but not so much on important events. Take Brazil for example, England didn't even qualify from the Group Stage.

Once he shows at a major event then for me will be a Legend, its only accolade missing (unless he hasn't performed in Champions League too).

Stopped watching England games a long time ago unless its like England vs Germany.

In the Normal League i support Rotherham, my hometown, even if they don't perform well, i still support them. Can't say same for England though
Posts: 399
11:52 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Stop watching a team because they aren't good is known as a glory hunter. Win, lose or draw I will continue to watch England, it's your country you should support your country just like you should support your local team!!
Posts: 7,974
12:13 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
passion for the country we live makes us strong
our great country is the envy of many many countries around the world
hence people want to come here

we have hosted many great sporting events
and won many too

its our never say die attitude that separates us, from the rest, this great country has so much history.

Rooney has broken and made history
applaud it for what it is

the problem with this country to many people try to knock us, be it home or from abroad

get over it, support England or Great Britain its a great place to be
Posts: 38,097
12:45 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Stop watching a team because they aren't good is known as a glory hunter. Win, lose or draw I will continue to watch England, it's your country you should support your country just like you should support your local team!!

True but why should i watch England vs San Marino when its clear who is going to win.

granted Swiss is a good team and probably should have watched it but i don't even watch my local play and i support them.

Last time i watched Mens Football was the World Cup in Brazil, why? because i'm not keen on Football but still watched to support my country but i prefer Football to Rugby.

Last time i watched Football in general was Womens World Cup when England lost out in Semis i think, good run for them.

I know we will never win another World Cup or Euro event but can't help if if you don't like the sport in general. It would be like my dad watching Snooker or Tennis.
Posts: 4,046
14:11 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
If by scoring 35-40 goals against teams with the quality of Huddersfield (not knocking Huddersfield) such as San Marino and the like, mostly in friendlies and qualification matches (cause they only play in the first 3 games of any competition) makes you a legend then England FC needs to sort it self out.

Wether living at home or abroad we all have the right to express our view about our national team and its shortcomings over a 20 or even 40 year span.Jingoistic crap does not make Rooney a legend. And what was Charlton gonna say? That he didnt deserve it?

As for non Man u supporters. I thought Robson, Beckham Neville ect were excellent for England. Better than Rooney by a country mile but never described as Legends.
Posts: 2,588
16:24 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
First time I agree with Craig on a subject.

England is your country, whether you know they are going to win, lose or draw or even if you got "bored" by them long ago. They are still representing your country. If you have the opportunity to watch them, you should.

People who only watch the football at major tournaments nowadays explains why there isnt a major build up and excitement before world cups and euro's anymore. I remember the 2002 and 2006 world cups, where there was a massive buzz about a month before the world cup even began, flags up in streets, on cars etc.

That sadly died away in 2010 and 2014. Its not just about the football, but its something as a country that we all could relate to.

In next years Euro's I personally hope Wales, N. Ireland and England can all make deep runs (providing they qualify).. and hopefully Ireland or Scotland can also sneak a place.
Posts: 38,097
18:20 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
nevermind, well done wayne nice achievement, shame the way it was done but they all count

Edited at 17:44 Wed 09/09/15 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
18:23 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
As for subject, i take nothing away from the achievement except last two goals were penalties, i don't think he will be a legend unless he plays some good stuff at the World or Euros, not saying England has to win but i'm sure the country would party if they did but just a goal or two to show us he can play at the major events.

Then i think he will be a great player and not just a good player.
Posts: 19,819
19:37 Wed 9 Sept 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Well done wayne.
Cant people just say well done and be glad of such an achievement.

Think the big news tonight was San Marino's first away goal in 14 years. Last time they scored away, Rooney was in the Everton youth team and twitter didn't exist!

Lol well done San Marinio !!!
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Rooney has broken Sir Bobby Charlton's record

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