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Posts: 3,846
04:38 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I was an infrequent player on the snooker site, however recently when trying to login, it wont let me , and searched the player as a guest and it says no such player, any idea why, prob last login was around 15mth since
Posts: 13,570
05:56 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
sure after a year on here yer account is closed. prob the same on the dark side too??
Posts: 5,223
12:06 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
It's the same over there as well. If you're inactive for a year your account will be closed. You can create the account again though
Posts: 38,097
12:10 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
think its 13 months, kaison was fairly close a few times over there but got back just in time
Posts: 19,967
21:34 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm sure it's 12 months, though it should display 12 months on your account between 11 and a half months until the account is closed (which would explain why people might be thinking it's 13 months, if it is 12 months )

Saved my account once or twice on both sides
Posts: 38,097
21:47 Fri 2 Jan 15 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm fairly sure its 13, seen some accounts over 12 months still online then the day after on the 13th month they disappeared.

I think you get two emails during that time (i think one is at 8 months but not sure).

Its a shame though as some of Snooker legends has their stats disappeared because of their inactivity (johnnydollar springs to mind).

I wish their highest ranks, breaks etc could be a shadow instead so it could remain on the ranking lists and have a true ranking list rather than guessing where you should be.

For example both mich and tiger_woods either deactivated or lost their accounts but was higher than me in Mini Golf so on the current list i am third but on a larger scale i should be 5th.

Shame the shadow thing won't come into effect though
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:21 Mon 30 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Seriously no space to keep names?

Lots of tops players losing stats for taking a break.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:36 Mon 30 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Players sit on their stats like a mallard sits on eggs. It happens on pool too,i wish they'd lose stats after 3 months absence.
Posts: 38,097
21:52 Mon 30 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
not everyone, some people have genuine lives to live (e.g. families) so funky becomes less important, i think they should keep the stats forever, if they lose account or deactivate a "shadow" is made of their rank.

least then you know how far you are in the world rather than guessing where you should be as i posted a while back.

To me rank was important 5 years ago but not anymore and it is the same for a lot of people
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:55 Mon 30 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
anybody in the world with families can pop on once every 3 months
Posts: 38,097
21:58 Mon 30 Mar 15 (BST)  [Link]  
maybe but you don't see Call of Duty removing inactive players.
Posts: 38,097
23:32 Wed 1 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]

Had to post since i know Mike's account will run out in 4 days, zantetsukenz
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:37 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Dgenaratio it's a shame the name will run out.

The only good thing is that he has a new born baby on his profile photo, so maybe he found a new love. Also he reset his stats just before leaving.

They say nothing good lasts forever
Posts: 38,097
19:48 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah he was a serial resetter but sad to see another legend gone due to this, not many left now
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:51 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
The only thing gone is a name.
Posts: 38,097
19:58 Thu 2 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
true but then someone else comes along and makes a mockery of what the name stood for.

seen it with buddytobud (RIP) and johnnydollar and won't be long before they do it to other legends.

just a shame that buddytobud and mk_lad's names wasn't kept as Retired like they should have been
Posts: 38,097
13:53 Sun 5 Apr 15 (BST)  [Link]  
woop mikeys not gone, he logged in just before it was meant to delete
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