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keep getting connection issue

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:40 Mon 25 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I keep getting logged out of funkypool due to connection but my connection is fine as I can load up funkysnooker, facebook, twitter etc etc so why is it funkypool keeps logging me off?
Posts: 6,262
04:16 Mon 25 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You aren't the only one pal, just look at game queries atm

I can't login to pool game at all, from my home ip...

Snookers fine though
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
07:36 Mon 25 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hope funkypool isnt going down..i should try and log in once every hour to see how it affects me (if at all)
Posts: 12,185
Posts: 12,185
Posts: 2,094
12:34 Mon 25 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Still the same for me everyday same times between 2 and 8pm, anytime before 2 or after 8 I have no problems at all!!
Posts: 5,223
14:00 Mon 25 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hope funkypool isnt going down..i should try and log in once every hour to see how it affects me (if at all)

I have never had a problem logging onto FP or into the game. I'm on my PC all day and always logged in, and also logged in at college. I check it at least every half hour and never have any problems

EDIT: Ironically, as I say that and refresh the page 20 mins later it seems to be down for me. Working again now though!
If you ever think FP/FS is down, check this site:
It will tell you if the site is up from their end or not.

Edited at 12:19 Mon 25/11/13 (GMT)
Posts: 292
19:22 Wed 27 Nov 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im getting some disgraceful connection trouble at the moment, i have two computers at two different houses, and i'm getting connection trouble at both computers, suggesting it's not my end?

getting to the point where i want to say SCREW YOUR SITE, and leave.
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keep getting connection issue

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