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Posts: 38,097
01:26 Mon 29 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set Two is released and can be found here:

Deadline is: 25/09/16 @ Midnight

Keith normally makes the announcements but he isn't around at the moment so to save it being done tomorrow, i have released now.

Good Luck Everyone
Posts: 2,588
01:34 Mon 29 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set Two is released and can be found here:

Deadline is: 25/09/16 @ Midnight

Keith normally makes the announcements but he isn't around at the moment so to save it being done tomorrow, i have released now.

Good Luck Everyone

Both my A and B team are meant to have 5 fixtures each.. only 4 for each have been released...
Posts: 38,097
01:40 Mon 29 Aug 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixed mate, sometimes the iframe seems to be buggy which is what happened.

Posts: 9,926
00:00 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Had no frame been played then you'd have every right to play the 'non consent card' but the fact is they have played all the frames. We have the messages via PM to support buckjam insisting the match be played after the unfortunate error from earlier on in the day,

It doesnt make a difference, you didnt post the swap through the proper channels and you didnt give enough time, or allow a vice captain or captain in FPD to agree to the swap. therefore the result cannot stand. I know the rules fgs.

The sub or swap has been posted incorrectly but there has never been a requirement for a clan to agree a sub or swap. A clan can sub or swap anytime, it is up to clans to ensure that they tell their players not to play until captains agree to them, if they choose to play and know what they were playing and agree to it then the result would stand. If like has happened the sub or swap has not been posted and a player was unaware and tricked to play, which has happened on here then the game would be void. I have messaged buckjam and as long he was aware and agreed to the swap the result would stand.

Further update

The rules for a number of seasons is that a clan can do any swap or sub and it would require no authorisation from the other clan. If a player then chooses to play the game before his captain wants him to then is it is an issue between the clan and the player, it is not something i would ever get involved in.

It is up to each clan to make sure that they advise their players not to accept a swap or a sub until the captain agrees if that is how the clan wishes to be run, this is a clan issue and nothing to do with the allowance of subs or swaps, if players are stupid enough to play a game that has changed by a sub or swap then it is their own fault and the clan would have to accept the result.
However the game between buckjam and letsgochamp would have been no different apart from phoenix has made the swap which means that they can swap their players with no requirement for FPD to agree the swap but what has happened is that they have swapped the game type also so buckjam who was in UK8 for FPD is now playing US9. Only phoenix can swap their own players between different game types they cannot swap FPD players into different types so the match is void.
buckjam and letsgochamp would be required to play uk8.
Posts: 9,926
00:01 Tue 13 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
If i have picked up wrong on the above please message me offline and advise what i have missed i am only using the information that i can see.

Posts: 9,926
23:40 Tue 27 Sept 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Set 2 Defaults

Black Scorpions B v Phoenix Reapers
thepoolgod v joeyy

Uprising Strawberry Goats v Funky Pool Devils B
ritcho v ric_flair

Uprising Ultras v Phoenix Reapers B
corsair v davyb0207

Uprising Ultras v Funky Pool Devils B
2andygorams v itapool

Funky Pool Devils A v Uprising Strawberry Goats
whocares8x8 v apples_back
scottyjr v turtle1560

Can i have all default information for the full 4 week period including information from players subbed out of the fixture etc.

Deadline for default information 29/09/16 (Midnight UK time)
Posts: 9,926
22:57 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Set 2 Defaults

Black Scorpions B v Phoenix Reapers
thepoolgod (1) v (1) joeyy

Uprising Strawberry Goats v Funky Pool Devils B
ritcho (0) v (2) ric_flair

Uprising Ultras v Phoenix Reapers B
corsair (1) v (1) davyb0207

Uprising Ultras v Funky Pool Devils B
2andygorams (0) v (2) itapool

Funky Pool Devils A v Uprising Strawberry Goats
whocares8x8 (2) v (0) apples_back
scottyjr (2) v (0) turtle1560
Posts: 9,926
23:01 Mon 3 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Season 16 Final Table

Posted Image

Congratulations to Phoenix Reapers A for winning
Posts: 2,327
00:29 Tue 4 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
Congrats, Phoenix. And well done to Uprising, and FPD, too!
Posts: 6,417
13:59 Wed 5 Oct 16 (BST)  [Link]  
FBL Golden Cue

These are the final standings of the Golden Cue. Players must have played at least 5 games to qualify for it.

Congratulations to crazy_greg for winning it!

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