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Deleted User
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23:48 Sun 1 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey i wanna say thanks to ever player who came online today to get these games played .and to those who came on just to lend a hand in case top-guns ever found a elligible player to complete there games.And the top scores we had in both fixtures.

Edited at 22:05 Sun 01/12/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:25 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Team

fattmikee (vice Captain)
_pro__frog_(Vice Captain)
_huts24_ (Co-Captain)
vegas (Dave)
king_joffery (Olle)
Posts: 7,297
01:18 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL - Fixture Set 4

Professionals (33) v (27) Fighting Eagles

horse10000 (7) v (8) kingdadcool
dvz v _pro__frog_
ritcho v breksis
_redherring_ v triple_b
beenjammin v _huts24_
davey_1985 (5) v (10) its_me
cphaynes (10) v (5) vegas
techno (11) v (4) sensibleshow

The Underdogs (21) v (54) Fighting Eagles

rossunited v kingdadcool
funky_king (7) v (8) triple_b
cke1982 v breksis
mrfent (2) v (13)_huts24_
_golden_cue_ (2) v (13) _pro__frog_
hardy202 (3) v (12) its_me
chris v willz147
thewanderer (7) v (8) ronalddw

Deadline 8/12/13
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:50 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey i wanna say thanks to ever player who came online today to get these games played .and to those who came on just to lend a hand in case top-guns ever found a elligible player to complete there games.And the top scores we had in both fixtures.

Edited at 22:05 Sun 01/12/13 (GMT)
Pay attention, thegreatone played in straight vs triple_b, and i am here ready to play who i can! _pro__frog_ never got on, never messaged me once since i have had to play him all fixture
Posts: 6,262
02:05 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes as always Mikes full of crap, we made a sub to get str game played, we had people on to play _pro_frog_ but he was only browsing, I assume on phone as he didn't log into game to play, sniper was available too and frog didn't reply to his messages...

Frog says this isn't true but I'm going by what I'm told and logs and message screenshot...
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:09 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
yep, and frog messaged me just now saying you couldnt get on line, i replied :"How would you know, you havent replied to me" as i could have the problem fixed...(which is why i posted up there saying im ready)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:55 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You been saying that for days,we had 5 eligible players online all day dont cry now.And i ask Colin if he had any eligible players online to play and he closed the chat window and logged out.good luck trying to get a default m8.
Posts: 12,419
02:58 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You been saying that for days,we had 5 eligible players online all day dont cry now.And i ask Colin if he had any eligible players online to play and he closed the chat window and logged out.good luck trying to get a default m8.

We're going to win anyways mike. Let them go to bed and cry over the result as it clearly looks like it means so much to them...

Edited at 01:03 Mon 02/12/13 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:16 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey guys could i get default info for:

_pro__frog_ v __sniper__

by midnight on Tuesday please.
Posts: 7,297
08:32 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
yep, and frog messaged me just now saying you couldnt get on line, i replied :"How would you know, you havent replied to me" as i could have the problem fixed...(which is why i posted up there saying im ready)

sniper i asked u last night if u was coming on in an offline message so the game would get played , kinda knew you would be awkward and not . u sent me a reply saying you couldnt load into the game ... anyway fighting Eagles have won this fixture and i can see us defently winning that 1 and only default as all other games were played in FBL .
Posts: 7,297
08:34 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL Fixture Set 3

Fighting Eagles (35) v (21) Mousey Misfits

8us kingdadcool (6) v (2) woodwizard
8us _huts24_ (3) v (5) the_viking

9us triple_b (5) v (3) annoomouse
9us ronalddw (4) v (4) _jesus_

8uk breksis (5) v (3) the__priest
8uk its_me (4) v (4) vespa_dave

str _pro_frog_ (8) v (0) drewdt3


Fighting Eagles (34) v (14) Top Guns

8us _huts24_ (4) v (4) chapster_7
8us kingdadcool (5) v (3) blueberry

9us ronalddw (4) v (4) rocketweaz8
9us silenthill (7) v (1) jig_saw

8uk breksis (6) v (2) staffie_man
8uk _pro_frog_ v __sniper__ (default)

str triple_b (8) v (0) thegreatone7

Edited at 21:07 Sun 01/12/13 (GMT)
Posts: 6,262
11:22 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
You been saying that for days,we had 5 eligible players online all day dont cry now.And i ask Colin if he had any eligible players online to play and he closed the chat window and logged out.good luck trying to get a default m8.

Mike first of all you are an outright lier, didn't think you'd stoop this low, you didn't ask me anything in a pm, ask Huts how easy it was to sort sub for triple_b when he needed one as he was online..

Please tell the default team who the 5 mystery subs you didn't have online all day to play the game, I'll help...

vegas - online briefly about 9 pm and not again before deadline

eaglestrike - offline from same time as vegas

sensibleshow - offline same time as vegas

willz147 - offline 4 days

cam07 - offline 15 days

its_me - said Friday he couldn't play at all over weekend

fattmikke - valid but prefers to let games go to default

huts even said about 5pm he only had triple_b online and no one else, so where were the 5 subs then ?

Whats more your comment that I was attempting to play for defaults is crushed again as when trible_b was your only player on as I did immediately a sub and a swap so thegreatone7 could play trible_b str---huts will confirm this.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:12 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Save your breath Colin LOL.Tell it to the default squad as im tired of hearing it over and over.
Posts: 7,297
17:18 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Save your breath Colin LOL.Tell it to the default squad as im tired of hearing it over and over.

well said mikee . i dislike defaults as they never give a descent Result .
Posts: 6,262
17:24 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Save your breath Colin LOL.Tell it to the default squad as im tired of hearing it over and over.

I didn't expect you to say who the five subs were you had on all day as we all know they didn't exist

All funky knows you're a nightmare to get subs of Mike, it isn't going to change

Huts sorry you confused me, whats descent got to do with defaults ?
Posts: 7,297
17:30 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Save your breath Colin LOL.Tell it to the default squad as im tired of hearing it over and over.

I didn't expect you to say who the five subs were you had on all day as we all know they didn't exist

All funky knows you're a nightmare to get subs of Mike, it isn't going to change

Huts sorry you confused me, whats descent got to do with defaults ?

your always confused colin lol .. a descent result would be 8-0 in FBL . thats what i meant .
Posts: 10,109
17:33 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Save your breath Colin LOL.Tell it to the default squad as im tired of hearing it over and over.

I didn't expect you to say who the five subs were you had on all day as we all know they didn't exist

All funky knows you're a nightmare to get subs of Mike, it isn't going to change

Huts sorry you confused me, whats descent got to do with defaults ?

your always confused colin lol .. a descent result would be 8-0 in FBL . thats what i meant .

He's taking the Mick out of your English. Descent means to travel downwards, you should've used 'decent' in the context you intended.
Posts: 6,262
17:36 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nah descent doesn't even make sense used in that context pal, I hope you aren't using Mikes dictionary ?

Meaning of descent is 'an act of moving downwards, dropping, or falling'.


'the origin or background of a person in terms of family or nationality'.

Can I suggest you use understandable posts, maybe you meant to use the word 'decent'

That would have made sense in your sentence Mr Huts !
Posts: 7,297
17:46 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
Save your breath Colin LOL.Tell it to the default squad as im tired of hearing it over and over.

I didn't expect you to say who the five subs were you had on all day as we all know they didn't exist

All funky knows you're a nightmare to get subs of Mike, it isn't going to change

Huts sorry you confused me, whats descent got to do with defaults ?

your always confused colin lol .. a descent result would be 8-0 in FBL . thats what i meant .

He's taking the Mick out of your English. Descent means to travel downwards, you should've used 'decent' in the context you intended.

yeah i meant that but i was on my phone when i posted it . he knew what i meant anyways ! lol .
Posts: 6,262
18:49 Mon 2 Dec 13 (GMT)  [Link]  
I didn't know what you meant at first, I assumed you were talking about your initially..sorry

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