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Posts: 974
00:22 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Right, I want to have a bit of a moan at them for once.

I have no issue with the system and how it works at all (as it is brilliant) but I do feel the scaling is wrong, especially for the arcade games.

Looking at them at the moment, it's near enough impossible to get to 800 never mind 900. There hasn't been a single user yet who has managed 800 on 9ball arcade which in my opinion is wrong.

I can't see any harm increasing the ranking scales to make this possible. It just doesn't look right when the highest ranked player is only an adept.

Another idea which I have just thought of is that I don't really get why every single game type isn't included in overall? I know a lot of people disagree with it, but I have a solution which is actually my idea.

Why not have a couple of different overall tables on the page to show different stats. Like overall 8ball rank, overall 9ball rank etc. Basically the 3 8balll games (Uk8, Us8 and arcade) could have their own separate overall table. Probably would be better if someone could draw one up showing an example but I'm too lazy to do that. Could have so many different overall tables though!

Overall 8ball
Overall 9ball
Overall US tables (not arcade, just killer, straight, US8 and US9)
Overall Arcade

I'm sure there are a few more that are possible, but can't think of any more.

What do you think?



Edited at 21:25 Sun 09/10/11 (BST)
Posts: 420
00:38 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
thats legit there ima have agree with the overall thing however the points thing im not too concerned about, the more players that play the more points will come in
Posts: 420
00:38 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
thats legit there ima have agree with the overall thing however the points thing im not too concerned about, the more players that play the more points will come in
Posts: 974
00:47 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
flash_is_bac said:
thats legit there ima have agree with the overall thing however the points thing im not too concerned about, the more players that play the more points will come in

More players started playing carom on snooker. Rankings have dropped if anything for the top players, so I can't see that really working tbh.
Posts: 5,224
00:47 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
well i have to agree with eemad
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01:04 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I probably am not the best person to comment on this as I always look at rankings issues solely from a real life sporting background rather than from a computer game/high score table one.

To me the actual ranking score is irrelevant other than being a means of separating players in the ranking list. One of the worst aspects of this site therefore (purely in my opinion and in the light of my first paragraph above) has always been the use of the words such as virtuoso, professional, adept etc. as that puts a greater emphasis on the score achieved as opposed to the position in the ranking table.

To achieve a settled, accurate ranking table arguably you actually need a lower scaling as the higher the scaling the more volatile the rankings become - ie you can lose one single game and tumble quite a way down the ranking table on the higher scaled games.

Re overall tables I believe, like it or not, it should include all of the game types on all of the game tables like damee says. The clue being in the word 'overall'. Not sure that adding different 'overall' tables actually adds anything to this at all but as always if people want it and it can be done then why not.
Posts: 974
01:35 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
After seeing that, very good point you have there about "virtuoso" and "professional" etc. A better idea thinking about it, would be to simply remove that. And when you enter a friendly game, instead of it saying "professional" or whatever, it could just simply say what position you are in the ranking tables.
Posts: 11,057
01:46 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes, if it could say positions instead of rank or title, that would be brilliant.
So "47th vs 5th"
instead of "professional vs adept"
or "837 vs 755"

Regarding damee's points- I would be for a single overall table, not several smaller ones.
And the ranking system for 9-ball won't matter much. It is too fluky a game for a player to get very far. The amount of people that can runout is too large for anyone to reach virt, regardless of the scale.
Posts: 1,170
04:04 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
like the idea of the ranked number 1 vs ranked number 2 hope this goes ahead as it would be more enjoyable however i do feel that the ranks need to be mentioned at the same time since its a point based game.

Not sure how the Arcade games joining up would be benificial as it stands like you said 770 is usually near the top 10 if not top 5 which therefore means that hitting virtuoso overall is almost impossible and with the game then split across 7game types the overall scores will drop hugely.

one thing you haven't mention which i've spoken to cloone about is the current highest scores. An example of my arguement is 970 in UK8 by Adam, a great achievement don't get me wrong however the system was different then, with myself now at 875 i am rank 1 and slowly starting to struggle getting to 900. With it now being 830 gets you to top 10 status which before only got you in the top 50 i feel that the highest rankings need to be updated to correct them as these sort of scores are no longer possible to get, Yes keep them on the profile but on the rankings i believe they need to be alongside the new ranking system.
Posts: 420
07:34 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
the_only_ego said:
like the idea of the ranked number 1 vs ranked number 2 hope this goes ahead as it would be more enjoyable however i do feel that the ranks need to be mentioned at the same time since its a point based game.

Not sure how the Arcade games joining up would be benificial as it stands like you said 770 is usually near the top 10 if not top 5 which therefore means that hitting virtuoso overall is almost impossible and with the game then split across 7game types the overall scores will drop hugely.

one thing you haven't mention which i've spoken to cloone about is the current highest scores. An example of my arguement is 970 in UK8 by Adam, a great achievement don't get me wrong however the system was different then, with myself now at 875 i am rank 1 and slowly starting to struggle getting to 900. With it now being 830 gets you to top 10 status which before only got you in the top 50 i feel that the highest rankings need to be updated to correct them as these sort of scores are no longer possible to get, Yes keep them on the profile but on the rankings i believe they need to be alongside the new ranking system.

i think they had it in snooker where it was old highest rank and then had new highest rank cause they did the switch up aswell something like that ima presume???
Posts: 1,170
18:13 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
exactly like that flash, it's now gone on there unfortunatly and only the rankings of recent stay up there - However this doesn't mean to say that it shouldn't happen over here aswell.
Posts: 38,097
18:17 Mon 10 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
imo 9 ball arcade needs to be raised, as 1 point per game simply isn't worth it even at newbie level.
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