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people in same clans

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Posts: 4,195
19:34 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Where did i say you did lol? Good comeback looooooool
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19:48 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
3,404 posts,how many werent smart alec comments? Typically from a clan member,my point is proven. Thanks
Posts: 4,195
21:32 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol im hardly a clan member myself, i quit them every other week lol. And most of them were i think the word your looking for is "witty" comments. Looks like us clan players are well educated aswel sob sob
Deleted User
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22:17 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Sick and tired of all this generalisation. Between bisto saying "all clan members are cheats" and another guy saying "all clan members are rude". It's not fair (or right) to tar everyone with the same brush just because you had a bad experience with a handful of clan members.
Deleted User
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22:19 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Normality, to bisto said:
Nobody cares!!!
Deleted User
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22:21 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
<removed quoted content>

dont clan members see the rudeness?

Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 00:33 Fri 19/08/11 (BST)
Deleted User
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22:22 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by forum moderator
Deleted User
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22:23 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont need ppl handing me wins if thats what you are implying.
Posts: 4,195
22:24 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Should be capped really.

Edited by forum moderator clooneman, at 00:38 Fri 19/08/11 (BST)
Deleted User
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22:24 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
just dont cry when ppl are helping eachother because they are friends, plain bitter you know
Deleted User
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22:27 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
funkypool isnt a team game,when will people realise its unfair to manipulate ranks.
Deleted User
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22:28 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
bisto, You do realise that by making this thread and highlighting that this is something that annoys you, people are going to do it more, just to get back at you

And I sincerely hope they do!
Deleted User
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22:30 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cmurphy said:
bisto, You do realise that by making this thread and highlighting that this is something that annoys you, people are going to do it more, just to get back at you

And I sincerely hope they do!

you had me fooled for a second when you said you were nice.
Deleted User
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22:31 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
bisto said:
cmurphy said:
bisto, You do realise that by making this thread and highlighting that this is something that annoys you, people are going to do it more, just to get back at you

And I sincerely hope they do!

you had me fooled for a second when you said you were nice.

I give as good as I get mate

And don't you forget it
Deleted User
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22:32 Thu 18 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cmurphy said:
bisto said:
cmurphy said:
bisto, You do realise that by making this thread and highlighting that this is something that annoys you, people are going to do it more, just to get back at you

And I sincerely hope they do!

you had me fooled for a second when you said you were nice.

I give as good as I get mate

And don't you forget it

im scared
Deleted User
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02:06 Fri 19 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You could all form one big clan called 'the bait biters'

Deleted User
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02:14 Fri 19 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by forum moderator
Posts: 31,220
03:12 Fri 19 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Post removed by forum moderator (me)
Posts: 31,220
03:28 Fri 19 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
bisto said:
its needs looking at,clans shouldnt get advantages over normal players.

They don't. Everyone is subject to the same rules. If you're on about someone deliberately losing to give someone else the win, that's something we'd be interested in investigating, as you would expect.

ipotalot said:
People work together in the tactics of killer anyway i.e if the best player is a couple of places ahead of me and the player following me is good at safeties I might set him up if the opportunity arises regardless who it is.
Only one player wins in killer and everyone loses rank so ultimately it is every man for himself.

Completely correct. Players might set up other players in other for a third player to lose a life (and I've done it myself), but ultimately it's every man for himself (and woman for herself!), so that the player who sets up the other guy (as described above) still wants that guy to lose. And again, deliberately losing a game to someone else remains a no-no.

ipotalot said:
I had a non-clan player pot 2 whites straight into the pocket to give the person before me ball-in-hand in a 3 man killer all because I dared to play a safety to win a game 4 months before.

The guy who was potting the white was obviously throwing the game, and that's something we'd need to address... if we'd seen it!

bisto said:

how do mods let clan members get away with specific namecalling?

They don't, unless they haven't spotted it. I did though.

bisto said:
joker86 said:
If you feel someone maybe deliberately cheating, please contact us or report and it will be looked at.

I did the contact us thing before about a certain player on a different game type,whoever responded to my message said the player cheated but nothing can be done-so its a waste of time,they seem to let people get away with it all the time. On my first account on here(nobody knows the name) and every account since the same thing happened in killer,same clan trying to fix the result. Clans can never play fairly in killer,they play has a team,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. No skill in that.

It's not a waste of time. But obviously we need to be sure that cheating has actually occurred. Sending a complaint is also necessary.

_k1rk_ said:
If it bothers you that much don't play lol? I don't know how you manage to get games played with your constant posting of what grinds your gears, why make a thread all the time when at the end of the day nothing is goin to change.

Lots of the greatest changes to this site have been instigated by stuff people have posted on the forums. Someone made a list of some of the stuff somewhere...

As others (not the thread creator) have dragged this thread into an argument, and as the main points were discussed and covered, there's not much more point in keeping it open. Capped.
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