Something to think about

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Posts: 4,775
02:22 Mon 15 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You see a top in the shop for £97 , but you haven't got the money. So you lend 50 pound off your mam and 50 off your dad equals £ 100. You buy the top and you get £3 change. You give your mam and dad a pound each and keep a pound for yourself. So now u owe your mam and dad £49 each ! But £49 + £49 is £98, plus the pound you kept for youself makes £99....... so weres the missing £1?
Posts: 9,456
00:34 Wed 17 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You borrowed two times £49 pound = £98 and spend £97 pound, and now have an extra pound to keep for yourself.
You are adding up what you owe, plus what you have which doesnt work, as there is no £100 pound.

Once you give them the £1 back if you are adding up what you spent you should either add up 49 +49 = shirt + 1 change or if you are adding up what you borrowed originally that is 50+50 = shirt +3 change
Posts: 12,419
02:03 Sun 28 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
you may be crazy but you certainly got that one right
Posts: 968
07:21 Fri 9 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
_pro__frog_ said:
you may be crazy but you certainly got that one right

Doesn't have Einstein as his pic for no reason
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Something to think about

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