australian tournaments
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Deleted User
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01:26 Fri 17 Jun 05 (BST)
hey wat about having a tournament around australian times.....i live in australia and find it extremely hard to be online for all the other tournaments
Deleted User
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14:05 Fri 17 Jun 05 (BST)
they are about 9 or 10 hours infront i think depending on which part they live in.
So 4pm tournys are at about 2am lol
So 4pm tournys are at about 2am lol
Deleted User
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14:10 Fri 17 Jun 05 (BST)
so midnight ones are at 10am ish... surely that's good enuogh?
Deleted User
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14:15 Fri 17 Jun 05 (BST)
Don't be racist. Now be a good boy and give him a tournament at a decent time of day. Let him run it if you're not committed enough?
Deleted User
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14:16 Fri 17 Jun 05 (BST)
I'm sorry, I'm feeling rather cranky - it's been a long day already and I have work in 44 minutes :-(
Deleted User
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22:57 Fri 17 Jun 05 (BST)
well the earliest i can get on my time is 11 am....which i dunno when that is ur time
Deleted User
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23:07 Fri 17 Jun 05 (BST)
post what time it is now, and we can work it out from what time it says your post is at
23:10 Fri 17 Jun 05 (BST)
Haha, and also when you post it says the time..04:07 Sat 18/06/05 (BST) above yours.
Deleted User
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23:14 Fri 17 Jun 05 (BST)
no you know what i mean raiden. he'll post his time, and we can look at our time (which we can see from his post) so we know when 11 o clock is in oz, cos we can subtract our time from his time, and get the gap. gottit?
02:48 Sat 18 Jun 05 (BST)
No I meant he can just check his time then distract it cause he already has our time above his post.
Deleted User
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01:34 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)
3:35 pm when i posted this message..thats my time
06:48 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)
9 hours ahead, you could make the 12am tourny.. 9am your time. Depends when you're online really.
Deleted User
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06:59 Mon 20 Jun 05 (BST)
I knew it was 9, call me a genius :D
Edited at 11:59 Mon 20/06/05 (BST)
Edited at 11:59 Mon 20/06/05 (BST)
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australian tournaments
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