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E3 2011 Coverage

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Posts: 4,762
22:11 Mon 6 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Anyone watching?

I watched nearly all of Microsoft's Conference. Got to say Forza Motorsport 4 Looks Amazing, MW3, Halo Remake, Halo 4 was a teaser which closed there conference.

EDIT: Many of it was to do with the new generation and extras of Kinect. Kinect Star wars, Disney land so you can explore the whole park. Finger tracking, Kinect Sports 2 and alot more.

Any thoughts on other conference's like Sony, EA etc?
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04:12 Tue 7 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Any news on Grand Theft Auto 5? I read on some forums that it was going to be announced
Posts: 5,223
10:44 Tue 7 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Posts: 4,762
18:25 Tue 7 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Oh and Minecraft is coming to Xbox, UFC Xbox Live, a Seseme Street game. I only watched the Microsoft Conference.
Posts: 4,762
20:06 Tue 7 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Currently watching Nintendo's conference, only just started now. They were 5 Minutes late to start!

EDIT: They made up for it with the entrance, a live orchestra playing with gameplay on screen. Incredible Thus making them the only company to have a orchestra with the introduction, Microsoft and Sony are slacking!

Edited at 17:10 Tue 07/06/11 (BST)
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00:55 Thu 9 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Microsoft's conference was a let down to me. Kinect, Kinect, Kinect, Kinect. I don't have or want Kinect so that didn't interest me.

The new Kinect games and projects didn't swing it for me either.

They didn't show too many exclusives, GOW3 has already been show a million times, Halo 1 remake... is it really in demand?

Not much was shown of Halo 4 so can't really cast an opinion on that.

Showed some MW3, which I guess was okay.

Sony had more exclusives, even though I'm not into the Playstation Move they seem to be using the Move as more as an addition to games rather than a main project like Kinect.

PS Vita looks okay, probably not gonna buy one though.

Nintendo's opening with all of the new 3DS stuff made me smile, a lot of classic games brought back.

We'll have to see what Wii-U has to offer but it doesn't look like it'll tear me away from my Xbox, even though I'm not a fanboy and would happily embrace a new console.

Too long didn't read -

Microsoft - Lack of exclusives, too much Kinect

Sony - More promising, lot of exclusive content

Nintendo - 3DS stuff looking good, Wii-U uncertain.
Posts: 4,762
01:01 Thu 9 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Same as nintendo though, all 3DS, 3DS, 3DS.

Halo 1 remake not needed no.

They should have hyped up the biggest games: MW3; GOW3 & Halo4 imo.

I never got to see sony's conference but would have liked to see it
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02:26 Thu 9 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah Nintendo did plug the 3DS a bit but it's their newest console out right now and is their only one that is catering towards proper games, not motion controlled rubbish .

Kinect was all hyped up at last year's E3 and they're still going on about it with the same products over and over and it seems that they're forgetting about the more 'hardcore' crowd.

Things like a fancy new dashboard and a YouTube app. don't matter at all in my opinion. It's games and content people want and Microsoft let me personally down this year.

Nintendo announced a whole load of games for the 3DS and Microsoft seemed to rely on getting MW3 DLC a month earlier and a short Halo 4 promo.

If you're not into Kinect, like me then Microsoft's conference was a let down if you look passed the unjustified hype surrounding MW3.

Glad to see Street Fighter x Tekken showcased in the Sony conference though, very interested in that game
Posts: 4,762
18:48 Thu 9 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah totally agree with your point about forgetting 'hardcore crowd' but then again, trying to make Xbox available to everyone. Therefore making Kinect, just a wii tbqh.

And I was just stating it was the same with Nintendo, but atleast they were putting out new games for the 3DS etc. Unlike Xbox, just boring old remakes and little extras for Kinect. Like creating your own avatar - do we really need that?

I used to love Tekken, now since I moved onto xbox i've not played it since

Dashboard & YouTube app - Any bets on Microsoft charging us to download the YouTube app or something? They do anything to squeeze money out of users.

Back to Nintendo, I think the Wii U looked pretty poor. It only looked useful when they showed the golf game.
BUT: Nintendo's entrance was something else though, agree rogan?
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00:42 Fri 10 Jun 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I do agree, Nintendo always make it entertaining
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