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Posts: 12,419
01:48 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Is it possible to have a delete post button as it reduces accidental double posting and it gives people the option to withdraw their comment if they feel that it is inappropriate. It would also mean that moderators would not have to scan the forum for repeated threads as often as players can post the previous link for older similar threads and then the origional poster can delete. Good Idea? hope this made sense
Posts: 1,630
02:56 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
The edit option is there for a certain period of time, so if you double post, you can edit the second.
If you want to withdraw your comment, you have a bit of time to do so.

I think the delete comment option would be abused, and used as a way to post inappropriate content and delete it before a moderator gets a chance to see it.
Posts: 8,149
03:35 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agree with Stueyy here.

I think it is 2 hours to edit your post on this forum, so you do have plenty of time to either remove or edit your comment(s).

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05:10 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I actually think it could be a good idea in reducing forum clutter.

Sometimes you see people who have edited posts saying "double post" and thats fine, but I think people who are a little hot headed at times can come to the realisation that what they have said is inappropriate and should be removed.

I think that if a "delete post" option was available for 10 minutes, or until another person posts on that thread (which ever comes first), double posters could un-do their mistake with one or two clicks of a mouse, and those who know that their comment breaks forum rules can quickly withdraw their comment without penalty.

After 10 minutes or someone else posting, then you always have the 'edit' option.

I agree that it will make our jobs as moderators slightly easier, because if a person is willing to remove all traces of themselves posting in an argument, then that can only have benefits IMO.
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12:08 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
Agree with Stueyy here.

I think it is 2 hours to edit your post on this forum, so you do have plenty of time to either remove or edit your comment(s).

It's 4 hours, Aaron
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12:16 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
good to know
Posts: 8,149
13:15 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
cmurphy said:
joker86 said:
Agree with Stueyy here.

I think it is 2 hours to edit your post on this forum, so you do have plenty of time to either remove or edit your comment(s).

It's 4 hours, Aaron

Thanks , that's the whole reason I put "I think"

Even better, you have loads of time.

aflumpire said:
I agree that it will make our jobs as moderators slightly easier, because if a person is willing to remove all traces of themselves posting in an argument, then that can only have benefits IMO.

The problem here is that if someone ends up being abusive to someone else, they would have 10 minutes (or other) to delete their post and not be caught for breaking site rules.

It wouldn't really be considered as a "Delete" but more as a "Escape".
Posts: 38,097
13:19 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
maybe admins can see what poster wrote originally but too much work is there a way it can detect double posts and delete the 2nd one automatically?
Posts: 5,223
17:31 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
I actually think it could be a good idea in reducing forum clutter.

Sometimes you see people who have edited posts saying "double post" and thats fine, but I think people who are a little hot headed at times can come to the realisation that what they have said is inappropriate and should be removed.

I think that if a "delete post" option was available for 10 minutes, or until another person posts on that thread (which ever comes first), double posters could un-do their mistake with one or two clicks of a mouse, and those who know that their comment breaks forum rules can quickly withdraw their comment without penalty.

After 10 minutes or someone else posting, then you always have the 'edit' option.

I agree that it will make our jobs as moderators slightly easier, because if a person is willing to remove all traces of themselves posting in an argument, then that can only have benefits IMO.

What about a button, like a report button; but insted "suggest deletion" or something along them lines.

When they click the button, it sends a message to the forum moderators to delete it?
Posts: 5,224
17:44 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
maybe admins can see what poster wrote originally but too much work is there a way it can detect double posts and delete the 2nd one automatically?
love this idea
Posts: 1,728
18:07 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Would the best option be that you can ask forum moderators to delete your comment if you feel it needs to be deleted? If they see it is really needing to be deleted they can!
Deleted User
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03:30 Fri 4 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
joker86 said:

The problem here is that if someone ends up being abusive to someone else, they would have 10 minutes (or other) to delete their post and not be caught for breaking site rules.

It wouldn't really be considered as a "Delete" but more as a "Escape".

I definitely agree with you Aaron about breaking the rules and the 'escape button' as such.

We should allow those people to 'escape' in that very small amount of time they have to undo negative things they may have said or done.

I know that you can't commit a crime and then undo it in ten minutes, but because this is the internet and an online forum, we should allow those people who have a conscience delete their posts and avoid mass conflict arising.

I dont see a delete button as an 'escape button', but more of a way to avoid conflict on the forum. In the ideal world people would just think before they type, but not many do...
Posts: 8,149
04:57 Fri 4 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
maybe admins can see what poster wrote originally but too much work is there a way it can detect double posts and delete the 2nd one automatically?

Sorry I didn't see this post

Good idea there dgeneratio. I guess clutter is the MAIN factor here and this ^^ idea would lose the clutter AND stop abusive members getting away with breaking rules.
Posts: 12,419
19:57 Mon 7 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
flapjack said:
What about a button, like a report button; but insted "suggest deletion" or something along them lines.

When they click the button, it sends a message to the forum moderators to delete it?

thats a pretty good it
Posts: 5,223
17:01 Wed 9 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 6,262
22:10 Wed 9 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
no need imo when theres the edit option..
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