The Shot Time Limit.

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Deleted User
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19:05 Sun 12 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I'd just like to voice my disapproval over being able to limit shots to 10 seconds. I understand why this has been done, to speed up games and prevent games being too drawn out. However, I think it's too excessive and it's annoyin when you're playing someone who's selected it. I don't know about you guys, but I like to have a chat and bit of banter while I'm playin, not worryin about pickin a shot, aimin and shootin within 10 seconds!! Maybe I'm just being Mr Cranky Pants..?
Deleted User
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20:43 Sun 12 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Cranky Pants...I think you are. hehe, j.k buddy.

See, you have the option to enter that persons game before you select it!!! Therefore, you should just read the shot time limit...if you don't like the fact that they have selected 10 seconds, then just don't enter there game!!!

Just my opinion, because I myself, prefer ONLY 10 second games. Wish the tournaments would be 10 seconds ;-)
Posts: 4,751
02:09 Mon 13 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
I do like the quick games every now and again. Force people to make mistakes and improve your skills.

I don't think I can get out of awkward snookers that quick though, it's more hit and hope. I like my 2 or 3 cushion escapes, I play like Efran Reyes without the skill and consistency...
Deleted User
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02:25 Mon 13 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
lol, I myself think that the faster the clock, the more skill shown by the player.

If you are an outstanding player on a 10 second clock, the tournies will be a whizz for ya!

I think they are the best clocks to practice with myself.
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The Shot Time Limit.

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