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Break Techniques

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Deleted User
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16:20 Fri 10 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Probably. Raiden knows everything!

ld xxxx
Posts: 1,425
07:49 Sat 11 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
hehe i know how to do ...havn't yet mastered it though
Deleted User
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07:49 Sat 11 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
i do too
Deleted User
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17:22 Sat 11 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
Ok this is how I break - put the white right at the bottom of the D-line where it meets the coushin, then aim to hit the closest red slightly to the left with lots of topspin.

Played right, a ball will bounce off 2 coushins and go into the pocket nearest to where u placed the white.

Also, due to using a lot of topspin - the pack will open up, and u should have a pot into the middle pocket.

Happy breaking! :D

Edited at 22:23 Sat 11/06/05 (BST)
Posts: 25
08:26 Sun 12 Jun 05 (BST)  [Link]  
oldest break in the book, and most overused is the ORIGINAL bertie break..

so simple..

white on the line right next to cushion at bottom of table..hit the 3rd ball up on the closest side, simple as and very effective.

the break i have now is slightly more complicated, ask kev he cnt get the hang of it lmao
Deleted User
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04:22 Tue 15 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nick, it was me(bertie) and kdawg.

I was mentioned on then click on 'fixtures+results' and then 'PFCUK tournaments' then click on the 5th Tournament where I won and read it. Me+kdawg mastered break back then.

I keep having to make my own breaks over+over due to them being copied.
Deleted User
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04:37 Tue 15 Nov 05 (GMT)  [Link]  
A new break I have started using is putting the white on the left corner of the D then aiming for the right hand side of the top red with max top spin...

This way the white hits the red opening the pack slightly then bouncing off the right cushion and going back into the pack... I have potted the black many times on a practice table using this technique!
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Break Techniques

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