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Group Messages

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Deleted User
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01:13 Thu 9 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Could you please put in group messaging because I personally don't yet but will do in the future but people message the same message to different players and have to tell each other what other said I think this is an easier for a group to chat at once.

What people think?
Posts: 5,373
01:29 Thu 9 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Pretty sure this has been debated several times before, and it's as relevant as ever imo.

The best solution toward that end would be to completely replace the forum with a new, less custom forum system tho, like phpbb or other similar alternatives, where group messaging is a built in feature.

While installing a new forum isn't much work in itself, I realize this would be a good bit of work for Nick anyway though, since the current user account is so tightly integrated with both the game, the website and the current forum.

Far from impossible though, it is a very common pattern for websites to use a forum login for user authentication these days - something I'm sure funkypool could do as well. Not at all unsimilar to what we do on the league web in fact.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:47 Thu 9 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
It would be a luxury that isn't needed. Whats wrong with taking an extra 10 minutes out to get the message to each person. And also, when i've been doing team mesages for 8th rose i've found that i do a more personalised message whereas if i want everyone to know the same thing i simply post on the thread. Really isn't that hard
Posts: 12,185
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:53 Sat 11 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
do what I do when I have to message ten clan captains - copy and paste!!

Yeah it would be easier to have group messaging, but it would probably require another overhaul of the site etc.

Then you need 'reply' and 'reply all', might as well chuck in Blind Carbon Copies and attachements too...I still rather improvements focused on pool; and I think (me thinking with knowing nothing about systems or computers) that it would probably take too long and distraction from the pool projects when you can take an extra couple of minutes.

janmb said:

The best solution toward that end would be to completely replace the forum with a new, less custom forum system tho, like phpbb or other similar alternatives, where group messaging is a built in feature.

I dont think we are talking about the forum here jan

Edited at 00:56 Sat 11/09/10 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
04:23 Sat 11 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes we are flumpy.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:27 Sat 11 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
But how does group messaging have anything to do with the forum?

Regardless (whether it does or not i'm not that fussed), I still think that copy and paste works fine. Once another feature is added, people continually want more and more and more, until this becomes a website that you can adopt puppies from.

It would be nice, but I would rather improvements being focused on pool at this current time.
Posts: 5,373
04:29 Sat 11 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
apples_back said:
It would be a luxury that isn't needed. Whats wrong with taking an extra 10 minutes out to get the message to each person. And also, when i've been doing team mesages for 8th rose i've found that i do a more personalised message whereas if i want everyone to know the same thing i simply post on the thread. Really isn't that hard

I don't think anyone has ever claimed there aren't ways around this, but why does everyone always seem bend on dismissing improvements based on the fact that you can survive without them?

In fact that's precisely what an improvement implies: Something that can be made better (regardless of how good or bad your starting point is)

I wouldn't call it a luxury - it's usefulness would be too great to earn that rather negative label. But yes, it is an improvement - and one we have lived without for years. Still is no argument as to why it should not be done.

Like I always do in discussions like these: List me some real downsides instead of merely pointing out why you yourself don't see the need.

I support a lot of other people's ideas every day - ideas that have no impact on myself or that I would ever need to use myself at all... Just because *I* don't have (or understand) the need, doesn't mean the need isn't real and present for others.
Posts: 5,373
04:30 Sat 11 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
But how does group messaging have anything to do with the forum?

Give it a guess. Fairly obvious really.
Posts: 8,149
22:36 Sun 12 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Group messaging and group message deleting!

Big thumbs up.

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Group Messages

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