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better way to chat

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19:20 Sat 31 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
No problems Jan. I'm not much of an expert at VOIP, but have studied it at college.

Another few ways to find something of use - type "Free alternative to..." into Google (replace dots with software name) I've always found what I want that way.

Also there will probably be plugins for Joomla CMS that could do the job. I know they have sections for communication and also Servers, but whether VOIP is in there I'm not sure.
Posts: 5,373
13:29 Sun 1 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Doubtful on the Joomla part to be honest - as far as I know, that's a CMS system acting as a front-end to database content.

I looked at it when starting to design the new league web site and quickly had to turn it down simply because much like yola and similar "ready website for you sir" systems, Joomla too offered entirely too little freedom to implement the exact systems we want. (at least within reasonable amounts of work - and besides, if you have to customize a framework to bits and pieces to make it do what you need, you are usually using the wrong framework in the first place lol)

I'm sure we'll find alternatives for VOIP - will look when I get home.
Posts: 8,939
04:17 Mon 2 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
There are a multitude of dedicated gaming chatroom systems already out there, as is often mentioned when this idea crops up.

Gamespyarcade was the one used most often during the early days, am sure there are many and better options out there now.
Posts: 5,373
13:37 Mon 2 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Seems teamspeak is the way to go these days - free and can apparently be configured pretty well. I didn't like it back in my days of gaming, but that was simply because ventrilo was a whole lot better back then... Completely new version of both these days compared to what I was used to anyway....

I'm playing around with a server right now, will post when I get something official going.
Posts: 2,106
19:06 Mon 2 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yeah back in my counterstrike clan days we used ventrilo on our server we had for the public & match servers, was a brill bit of kit to use, didn't affect my gameplay while using it, there was another one which some other clans used, pretty certain it was as you mentioned above, teamspeak, will double check on that, it seemed alright when I used it to chat with some other clans on it and it was free unlike ventrilo which we had to pay for monthly for a 50 man vent server but sure there will be some good free one's about now

Edited at 00:14 Tue 03/08/10 (BST)
Posts: 5,373
04:11 Tue 3 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I have set up a preliminary teamspeak server at

Download teamspeak client 3.0 here:

People are free to connect and test all they like, but I make no promises for up-time or durability of this server for the time being. If it produces no bad side effects though, the server will probably be a permanent feature.
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