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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:34 Wed 7 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
So whenever you are browsing through the forums and have a game to play but don't want to click their username, why dont you have an Online or Offline feature?

Basically, if you are browsing through the forums, you can read what you want and underneath the profile picture of the user, it says Online in bold, or Offline?

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:03 Wed 7 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
On the forums it already says 'online' below their profile pic and if they are offline then nothing is displayed.

Also if you go to their profile you can find out their location when online. If they are offline it says 'offline since 2 hours ago' ect.

Don't see where this is leading, but why change something that works perfectly well?
Posts: 31,220
21:03 Wed 7 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
In the forum threads, it already says the word "Online" underneath an online player's picture, just underneath their number of posts. Is this what you mean?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
21:19 Wed 7 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
LOL i Just realised that this was meant for a different forums :D

Please remove lol
Posts: 38,097
06:13 Thu 8 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Ill post my idea here, how about invisible moderators, if mods choose that they are invisible then it will make people think about what they are saying.

on profile it would come up as offline.

you could have invisible players for the premium users,

just a thought?
Posts: 8,149
09:16 Thu 8 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I think that is a good idea about Admin and Moderators choosing to show up as offline but they are really watching.

Maybe this could work for both the forum and in-game.

Say a Admin/Mod are invisible in the chat room, that way most people who keep breaking chat room rules can be warned as soon as.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
10:48 Thu 8 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Problem with that is if you want to find a moderator/administrator because someone is being offensive in game or whatever, how do you get in touch with them ASAP to get rid of the person causing the trouble if no mods are found?

ps. I think it already happens anyway, seen people booted from chat room with no mods visible.

pps. Also does say "No visible mods found online"
Posts: 5,201
11:01 Thu 8 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
WOW sorry guys i totally disagree with that , BIG BROTHER in funky pool ? Any problems can be dealt with by sending a complaint , if a moderator isn't around.
Posts: 19,967
11:06 Thu 8 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
warney7 said:
Problem with that is if you want to find a moderator/administrator because someone is being offensive in game or whatever, how do you get in touch with them ASAP to get rid of the person causing the trouble if no mods are found?

ps. I think it already happens anyway, seen people booted from chat room with no mods visible.

pps. Also does say "No visible mods found online"

Can be an anonymous mod e.g. *clicks find mod* 'anonymous moderator' private chat opens

I think that the moderator doesnt have to be in the room to boot the person (e.g. could be 50 people in a room and mod can't get to chat room but still has access to it) - they have extra features which *could* be viewing chat from another room

I would hazard a guess it might be if they're in a certain room they come up not visible or something (or thats just a message to make people think there are mods around when they arent so rules arent broken)
Posts: 5,373
03:15 Fri 9 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
Ill post my idea here, how about invisible moderators, if mods choose that they are invisible then it will make people think about what they are saying.

This has been discussed, both in public and among staff many times - and in the end turned down, for reasons I cannot remember.

There's no doubt it would been a good idea, chatrooms etc behave much worse when there are no visible mods around. The knowledge that mods may be around all the time would been a good deterrant to avoid people misbehaving.

Sure, you can always send complaints about what people have written, but in most cases those complaints to not address the immediate problem - at best, it gets the user banned at a later time.

Nor does the ignore feature fully address this problem. If the motivation is to shield the younger (and older for that matter) part of the user base from bad language and/or content, the system must be proactive - and not just react to crimes already committed.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:21 Fri 9 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Threads already exist with ideas posted here, please use the 'search forum' feature in future. Thanks

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