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Straight pool - 2+ in 1

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Deleted User
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13:16 Tue 15 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  

Not sure if this has already been said before hand, but I find the 2 in 1 pots "invalid" thing quite unnecessary, and it isn't even a proper straight pool rule. I don't see why that has been implemented because if its not a proper straight pool rule recognised by the actual game, then why should we moan every time we pot 2 balls at once? We shouldn't, and I think it should be cut out altogether.

More importantly, what are your thoughts?
Posts: 4,195
13:21 Tue 15 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
That's a fair point but on here with players like yourself, games would just go on and on when your on a high run, the rule gives lower level players a chance.

It's a difficult one really, maybe there should be a choice for it in ranked games to play the 2 pot rule or not. Keep it in for tournaments. That way you can beat destiny
Deleted User
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13:30 Tue 15 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Just been reading some rules and it says
"The shooting player is scored one point for each legal stroke even if more than one ball has been pocketed on a stroke."
So if there was change you will only get the 1 points for two pots
Posts: 4,195
13:38 Tue 15 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
At least then you can carry on with a run though.
Deleted User
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13:43 Tue 15 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
That's a fair point but on here with players like yourself, games would just go on and on when your on a high run, the rule gives lower level players a chance.

It's a difficult one really, maybe there should be a choice for it in ranked games to play the 2 pot rule or not. Keep it in for tournaments. That way you can beat destiny

I love how you all seem to think that I can't beat destiny

But, i don't see why we should have to play with unofficial rules?
Posts: 4,195
14:26 Tue 15 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry hehe, have to rub it in

And i think its so people have more of a chance of winning against great players.
Posts: 38,097
14:27 Tue 15 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont mind this rule really use to hate it, now i think you should be able to pot off break, ive known destiny hit at least 50 from one loose ball lol.
Posts: 31,220
14:58 Tue 15 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I had a good moan about it a few months back before giving in to the idea that it's a compromise to the fact that you can't yet nominate ball and pocket, which also forms part of the official rules. A lot of people of lesser skill, or who prefer to ride their luck, will whack the pack rather than make any attempt to split it on the same shot as potting the 15th ball. Others will miss their intended ball and either fluke it into another pocket or fluke another ball. The 2-ball rule (in my mind anyway, cos it's one more thing you need to avoid in a shot) kinda dilutes that.

The debate was on another thread, it will be old now, but if you can find it you can see my point of view at the time.
Deleted User
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15:03 Tue 15 Jun 10 (BST)  [Link]  
clooneman said:
I had a good moan about it a few months back before giving in to the idea that it's a compromise to the fact that you can't yet nominate ball and pocket, which also forms part of the official rules. A lot of people of lesser skill, or who prefer to ride their luck, will whack the pack rather than make any attempt to split it on the same shot as potting the 15th ball. Others will miss their intended ball and either fluke it into another pocket or fluke another ball. The 2-ball rule (in my mind anyway, cos it's one more thing you need to avoid in a shot) kinda dilutes that.

The debate was on another thread, it will be old now, but if you can find it you can see my point of view at the time.

Thing is, from what I hear, it is rare that it will happen because on several occasions (75% of the time) I haven't split the pack as well as I could've, leaving me with no shot to play. I always tend to whack the pack in this case and hardly ever do I see a ball pop into one of the pockets.

It has also been said that this game is much more realistic now than it has ever been, and just to make it a tad more realistic, I think the rules shouldn't differ from the official ones.
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Straight pool - 2+ in 1

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