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Deleted User
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13:05 Mon 3 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hello everybody, i have a question which is maybe not of funkypool interest but i still ask. Im aware that the leagues are managed outside of funkypool, but the games are still played here.

Now my question:
As many people play in different leagues at the same time, the friendlist becomes quite large. Is there a chance that we get a way to sort our friendlist in different areas. For example:

Individual League
Clan League

If i could sort that friendlist this way it would easier for me (us) to find my way through..
Surely there will come answers like - you play so many leagues, sort it yourself.. thanks for that beforehand.

But im sure some players will understand what i mean and have some intrest in that question above.

Posts: 19,967
13:12 Mon 3 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds quite good but what if you play people in more than one thing?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:34 Mon 3 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
Sounds quite good but what if you play people in more than one thing?

Then i have to manage a view people instead the lot
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:44 Mon 3 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Good idea. I was thinking maybe we should be able to drag and drop our friends into a particular order, like you can on social networking sites.

That way you could have people you talk to/play with on a regular basis at the top of your friends list. Such as clan captains and members.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:58 Mon 3 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
like the idea, not sure what the rest would say, but some might argue that just searching for the people your going to play is the answer.
Posts: 5,373
14:20 Mon 3 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I doubt we'll see improvements along that line until the day Nick decides to implement leagues into the funkypool site itself.

But this could be done outside the site as well really.

If I read it correctly, what you are asking for is basically a small database of friends (user names with links directly to their profile pages here on FP) which you can sort by different attributes, such as which league or competition they are part of.

Any simple database or program could really do that, so if sufficient interest I can see about writing one as soon as work stops killing me.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:39 Mon 3 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds good if we could implement it on the official league side..
the one problem will be the online / offline thing.
Inside funkypool u can see that. I dont believe there is a way that it will be shown on an outside site.. iynwim

Posts: 5,373
15:59 Mon 3 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
pool_pig said:
Inside funkypool u can see that. I dont believe there is a way that it will be shown on an outside site..

Correct - any non-FP solution would give you a system to manage friends, view them according to whatever parameters you like to define yourself, provide links to their profile pages, but the one thing you necessarily wouldn't get is in-game "logged in"/"logged out" notifications. That can't be done short of hacking the game, which would not only be a good bit beyond my skills and obviously out of the question even if it weren't.

Then again, the in-game notifications you already get - from the FP friends list. You could always have it both ways - both using the FP list to produce those notifications, and another off site system to maintain overview over the users you are interested in.

Edited at 21:01 Mon 03/05/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:48 Tue 4 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
then i can have look at the league tables - all players are listed there

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:51 Tue 4 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
I doubt we'll see improvements along that line until the day Nick decides to implement leagues into the funkypool site itself.

But this could be done outside the site as well really.

If I read it correctly, what you are asking for is basically a small database of friends (user names with links directly to their profile pages here on FP) which you can sort by different attributes, such as which league or competition they are part of.

Any simple database or program could really do that, so if sufficient interest I can see about writing one as soon as work stops killing me.

that somes it up pretty much there, i also cant see it happening untill nick decides if he wants the leagues on the fp pages
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:20 Tue 4 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
okay.. but who says the whole thing has to be related to the league? Its just the way i came across that problem...

Lets say we (Nick) call the friendlists like:

same thing but now all Funkypool players can use that
can sort their mates in diff timezones so they know when they are most likely on.. and so on.

How i use that - is another thing..

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:49 Wed 5 May 10 (BST)  [Link]  
How many people are you planning to have on your friends list? 100's by the sounds of it

I dont think we need to sort this out into timezones and keeping notes on our different friends.

In my opinion, a small group setting where you can have say up to 5 different friend groups that we can call whatever we want would help a few people, especially in the clan league.

I don't want to see too much wasted on developing the friend lists when we should be focusing on the game its self.

I have a couple of hundred friends on Facebook and I have never used the friendship gouping I probably wouldnt be one to use it on here, but I am sure that it would be popular with others

Good idea - but just keep it simple!
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