Practise Table Edits

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Deleted User
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20:03 Mon 22 Mar 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ok iv had a search for these suggestions and i cant find them, if they have been suggested sorry for going on about it haha.

Ok its kind of in multipul parts and the move any ball features "which i know has been suggested would be a big bonus here"

anyway back to my suggestions

Multi player practise tables so you can invite a mate to join you to show you a few tricks "but why not play a friendly i hear you ask?"

Add a feature to show extacly where the other player is clicking on the table. So this not only allows you to see the shot outcome but see exactly where on the ball/table they clicked.

I wouldnt want this added to main tables as you like to keep how you did some shots a secret :)

Sorry if this has been suggested, i have the forum searching ability of a sniffer dog with no nose

Edited at 01:06 Tue 23/03/10 (GMT)
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Practise Table Edits

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