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Straight tourny

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Deleted User
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06:07 Fri 10 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  

I was playing in a straight tournament game against another player then the player suddenly left after awhile. the problem is that after he left, i was having a good run and all of a sudden the game ended saying "TOURNAMENT: Non attendance punishment - _______ disqualified; justforplay goes through on a bye" and my run just stopped. It isn't a very serious problem but it could possibly rob someone of their greatest run.

hope something will be done

Deleted User
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06:16 Fri 10 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
hmm....seems rather contradicting.

you say that the player left for a while - then you get a message saying that the person never shows up...thats odd in its self.

I thought the current system was when someone leaves, then you ahve until the end of the run for the game to formally finish.
Deleted User
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12:01 Fri 10 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
On snooker, in tournaments the continue break is disabled because there is a chance you could get DQ'ed from the tourny.

Look on that link, what people have posted about this on snooker.
Deleted User
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09:33 Sat 11 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
aflumpire said:
hmm....seems rather contradicting.

you say that the player left for a while - then you get a message saying that the person never shows up...thats odd in its self.

I thought the current system was when someone leaves, then you ahve until the end of the run for the game to formally finish.

yea thats the problem it just showed that message and the game ended while my run stopped. i think this only happens when the person leaves before the 2/3mins buffer time to accept their invite is up.

Edited at 14:36 Sat 11/07/09 (BST)

Edited at 14:59 Sat 11/07/09 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:24 Sat 11 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
justforplay said:
i was having a good run and all of a sudden the game ended saying "TOURNAMENT: Non attendance punishment - _______ disqualified; justforplay goes through on a bye" and my run just stopped.

There is a way around that and all you have to do is miss a shot after the 1 minute left warning comes up.

Simple logic
Deleted User
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15:44 Sat 11 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
No its not, because what if you don't see the 1 minuite warning come up? I know i don't pay attention to the chat area much when playing. Thats why it automatically ends.

IMO, it should stop your run when the timer reaches 0, but should automatically put you through (unless neither player has reached 35 of course).
Posts: 31,220
16:16 Sat 11 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
I figure that, when time is up, the Tournament object should query the Game object(s) and ask, has either player reached 35? If so, then the game should be allowed to end once the current player's break ends, something that would not take forever.
Deleted User
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16:50 Sat 11 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Its hard to miss the warning unless you have the chat box hidin, every time new text goes in and says "9 ball: jackbauer ran the rack" or "8 ball: clooneman potted the black on Golden Break" i always see it, (which has put me off a few times) but i see it in the corner of my eye ball and say to myself "well done on golden break" or in the timers case "Oh crap, running out of time" every hard for me not to miss it even as small text.
Deleted User
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05:23 Sun 19 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
jackbauer said:
justforplay said:
i was having a good run and all of a sudden the game ended saying "TOURNAMENT: Non attendance punishment - _______ disqualified; justforplay goes through on a bye" and my run just stopped.

There is a way around that and all you have to do is miss a shot after the 1 minute left warning comes up.

Simple logic

The whole point of this thread is so that i can continue my run even if my opponent leaves early in the game. And there is no warning that comes up since I'm already in the room playing with my opponent

Not so simple logic
Deleted User
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05:46 Sun 19 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
this has been discussed numerous times on snooker as damee mentioned and its always been the same answer. so i doubt it will ever be changed.
Posts: 455
06:07 Sun 19 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Deep down i dont think this problem will ever gets fixed though, sumin like it has happened to me

Best thing to do is ... Be happy you won

Do your run in the next round
Deleted User
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13:54 Sun 19 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
There is a time limit so it won't take ages for the game to finish, so that won't change as when you already made the 35 points or when player x leaves you don't need anymore. If you want a high run do that in a ranked or friendly game.

There is a type of way this can get sorted for if you don't see the 1 min warning, if it can be added there should be a type of beep when the 1min warning comes up.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
09:23 Mon 20 Jul 09 (BST)  [Link]  
jackbauer said:
There is a time limit so it won't take ages for the game to finish, so that won't change as when you already made the 35 points or when player x leaves you don't need anymore. If you want a high run do that in a ranked or friendly game.

There is a type of way this can get sorted for if you don't see the 1 min warning, if it can be added there should be a type of beep when the 1min warning comes up.

I think you're getting it wrong. I don't mean the ending part of the game where 22mins is up. I'm talking about the first 210secs when the game invite is sent and you and your opponent joins the game early. However, your opponent leaves right after you've cleared the 1st rack cause he made a mistake and then when the 210secs invite period(which has no warning whatsoever since you're already in the game) is up, your run stops together with the game.

I don't think this is the same topic as the one discussed in funkysnooker too. As when your opponent leaves after the 210secs invite period, there wouldn't be a problem cause you'd be able to continue the game until the 22mins is up or you miss.

Pardon me for my unclear explanation before.

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Straight tourny

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