Clan Invidual's trophy C.I.T.

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Posts: 728
19:19 Wed 3 Jun 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi I Ukpoolking will be hosting a tournament during pre season in which u will be named the best clan indvidual

the game format will be the same as the clan leagues

based on average points per game i will pick the top 16 player from the clan leagues and put them in a nock out tournament, the winner may be called the golden cue depending on how many aprove

tournament is due to start in a few months but i may pick the top 8 averages this year to be placed in a tournament during the current season just waiting on a few replies

newcastleutd will be the other runner of this tournament, if it comes to tht either of us r in the tournament then we will get someone else to draw names from a hat lol

Edited at 00:39 Thu 4/06/09 (BST)

Edited at 00:41 Thu 4/06/09 (BST)
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Clan Invidual's trophy C.I.T.

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