Send SQL Records to Email Address

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09:15 Mon 18 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi I hope someone can help with this query.

Im working on a website where the clients wants to accept or deny membership to people who have submited registrations.

I have got all the main scripts working and it could actually go live now and be acceptable, but I would like to add a feature to the Update Records page where an email is sent confirming membership acceptance when the Administrator adds a Password & User Level to the database.

I was wondering if it could be implamented from the same form that sends the data to the database?

I am using PHP and mySQL.
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17:12 Mon 18 May 09 (BST)  [Link]  
Try googling 'sending emails PHP MySQL'... I'm sure there are lots of sites out there offering source code/tutorials.
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Send SQL Records to Email Address

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